We are diaper free at our house! That is so weird to say. It is one of those things that I am not sure to be super happy about or maybe a little sad. I have no more babies. Sniff sniff. That is crazy to me. I can NOT already be done with this phase of my life. It just doesn't seem possible. But that is actually where we are.
I tried to potty train Layton a while back. He really was doing well with it, but I just don't think I was at a place yet to be ready for it to happen. We quit and I decided we would try again after I finished with bible study. So, back during the week of May 12th, I determined that I would stay home and get it done. I had seen this blog with the cutest ideas about potty training and decided to follow it and boy did it work!
Sunday night at bedtime, I told Layton that the next day was "Big Boy Day". He was going to learn how to be a big boy by going potty and wearing big boy underwear. He just smiled really big. Monday morning after dropping Hannah and Lincoln off at school, we went to Walmart and he picked out some more underwear. He chose Mickey Mouse and Spiderman. I gave him the money and he paid for them. He was a big boy!
We stopped and rode the Winnie the Pooh ride before heading home to get started!
The first thing we did when we got home was read some potty books together. Layton liked this particular book because it had a button to push to hear the toilet flushing.
Next, he named off all the people that he knew who wore underwear. He thought this was fun. Even Uncle Jeffy and Uncle Wes made the list.
At this point, it was time to get rid of all our diapers. So, I gave him a bag and he packed them up.
We decided to give them to Harper. She still needs diapers, but he was going to be a big boy.
Here he is about to take off his very last diaper.
Running to throw it in the trash. Had to get a couple of booty shots.
Excited to go put on his new underwear!
Next, we got out Potty Elmo and talked about how Elmo goes potty. Elmo got to wear underwear too.
We talked about how when Elmo needs to go potty, he is supposed to run to the potty. We cheered for Elmo and talked about how it felt to be dry and not wet.
The first time he went pee or poop, he got a treat and a prize. I had gone to the Dollar Tree and stocked up on cheap little toys for potty prizes. He really liked this. I believe he went pee and poop that very first time! Ha!
Playing with his worm toy he got!
I pretty much spent the day in the floor with him playing and going potty. He did really well that first day and got a treat (Chewy Sprees) for going potty each time. I told him if he stayed dry all morning long, he would get another prize. He did. He also got a prize if he kept his pull-up dry during his nap. He did.
The second day didn't go as well. I guess I thought that since he did so good the first day I wouldn't have to stay on him like I did. I was wrong. He had multiple accidents, two of which were poop. Not fun.
So, on day three I went back to staying on him about going potty. He did just great! He was even beginning to tell me that he needed to go!
On Friday I was up at the school helping in Lincoln's class. Another mom and I ended up having to take over the class after field day because Lincoln's teacher got sick. I got busy helping the kids with stuff and forgot about Layton. I had this panic moment when I looked around the classroom and didn't see him anywhere. Then, it hit me to look in the little bathroom in the room because the door was closed. Sure enough, I found him like this. He was going poop -- ALL BY HIMSELF!!!! I was so proud of that little booger! :-) It was then that I knew we had made it. After that first week, he was even dry after his naps and in the morning. So, he is even in his underwear at night!! I was kind of shocked that that happened so quickly.
Yippee!!! We have another big boy in our family!!!!
So proud of Layton!!! I will definitely need all of your tips and tricks when Harper starts potty training=)
Beautiful little butt
puige l enculer
Love to have some fun with him
I wish that this little boy could sit his little naked ass cheeks onto my face so I could eat his asshole out for him. 💩👈
God. I love his hot little ass
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