Wednesday, July 17, 2013

All About Layton at 3!

Layton, you are my little buddy.  You are so loving and sweet.  You love to give me kisses and sometimes when I hold you, you play with my hair.  I love this!!  You are loving towards your Bubba and Sissy too, especially Hannah.  You hug Hannah and you always ask where Bubba is.  I love to hear you call him Bubba.

I want to remember how you talk.  You pretty much took off with your speech after turning two.  I have been writing down some of the things that you would say for a while and have never done a post on it.  So, here are some of the words that you have said that I wanted to especially remember:

"home" - when you want to take a toy in the car with you
"Jeffy" and "Wesy"
You call all meat chicken.
"city" for everything sports related (because we talk about Kansas City baseball and football a lot)
"vd" for tv and you call the radio vd too.  You say "turn the vd up."
"Dorda" for Dora
"Satan" for Santa (cracks me up)
There for a while you were constantly asking me "What time is it?"  I'd tell you and you'd say "K".  Hilarious.
"vipes" for wipes

You pretty much talk all the time unless you are watching tv or sleeping.  I get so tickled at you in the car because you talk nonstop.  You ask a lot of questions and then when I answer you say, "Why?"  Every time.

You can throw some good little fits these days.  When something doesn't go your way, you scream at me at the top of your lungs.  You are doing this more in public now and I do not like it.  The good thing about you is that it usually doesn't last super long.  Most of the time, you will have your fit and then all of a sudden you will say, "Mom, I happy."  I can't help but smile.  This totally makes it easier to move on and for that I am VERY grateful.  I do put you in time-out sometimes.  You fight it at first, but usually will sit there.

Some of your favorite toys are still all cars and tractors.  You love monster trucks.  You like to dress up in Lincoln's super hero outfits sometimes.  This is a picture of you at the ball field at Lincoln's last game playing in the dirt with another little boy's car.  You pretty much entertained yourself the whole game.  It was cute to watch you laying in the dirt.

Your favorite tv shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Ninjago (thanks to your brother and sister).

You LOVE to be outside.  You love to play in the front yard and ride your car or scooter or little four wheeler.  You LOVE to ride Pappaw's four wheeler.  In fact, you are pretty much obsessed with it.  You ask to ride it constantly when we are there.

You do not like it when it rains outside and especially don't like it when you hear thunder.  You get out of bed and come to our room everytime you wake up to a storm.  When you are awake and it starts to storm, you come running to me with a concerned look on your face and want to be held.

We took the bunk beds down in your room and moved out your baby bed.  Now you sleep in a twin bed just like Lincoln.  You love it and never had any problems transitioning.  You really are getting to be such a big boy now.  You are sleeping in a big bed, don't use a paci anymore, and are completely potty trained (even at night).

You still take a nap in the afternoon most days usually for a couple of hours.  Some times if we are busy or you are playing happily, I don't force it, but you really still need one.  You like to be read to before you go to sleep and you especially like for me to sing you a couple of songs which you actually sing with me.  Some of your favorites are still "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," "ABCs," and "Twinkle, Twinkle."  I love to hear your sweet voice sing!

Your favorite things to eat are ALL fruits.  You love fruit especially strawberries, blueberries, apples, blackberries, cantaloupe, nectarines, and recently you have discovered cherries and watermelon.  You still like chicken, steak, pork, green beans, peas, mashed potatoes, eggs, poptarts, popsicles, pizza, french fries, smoothies, corn on the cob, just to name a few.  You are not much of a breakfast eater.  Sometimes it is hard to get you to eat.  You like to snack and are constantly asking for one.

During VBS this year, you were quite unhappy in your class.  I don't know what your deal was, but you asked for me and apparently cried some.  I couldn't figure this out because you have no problem at all going to Bible class and no problem going to class at my parents' church.  You have gotten a little bit shy around people you don't know.

Here is just a before and after picture I took of you when you got your last hair cut.  I finally caved and let them cut it pretty short.  I really liked it, but it sure did make you look big!!!

I am sure I am forgetting some things, but that is all I got for now.  You are a busy bee and I look forward to seeing all the things you will do over the next year!  I love you so much, Buddy!!!

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