Well, about 2 weeks ago Lincoln took his first trip to the ER. Kind of hard to believe that it was only his first seeing how much of a mess he has always been!
Here's what happened. I was in the kitchen working on supper. I knew he was going into the office to get some paper to draw or craft with. The next thing I hear is this awful crash! I run down the hall and he comes running out of the office holding the side of his head! Next, I see lots of blood come pouring out. It was gushing. He was screaming. Surprisingly, I was quite calm--for me. I usually don't handle this type of thing well, but I actually did for once. I looked at his head and this is what I saw.
Warning: This next picture is kind of gross!! Here is a close-up. I was pretty sure he was going to need stitches or something. So, I called Kris. He was actually on his way to a dinner meeting and had to come home. When he finally got home, it had mostly quit bleeding and Lincoln had calmed down. Of course, Kris being the cheapo that we all know him to be, had to run to Walgreens to see if he could get some Liquid Bandage to try to fix it himself. The whole time I was begging him to just take him to the ER. I had sent the picture to a couple of my nurse friends and they both kind of thought it would need something like stitches done to it. Kris, after applying the glue, holding it together, and blowing for a minute or so, realized and admitted he needed to see a doctor when the cut completely opened back up when he let go. So, off they went. I believe this was around 8:00 p.m. or so.
Here is a picture of the bookcase/file cabinet that he pulled down on top of himself. It was sitting on top of the bookshelf and I think he tried to climb it somehow to get to the paper at the top. The corner of it must have landed on his head.
He came home looking like this. He slept in the bandage so he wouldn't bleed on his pillow. He insisted on wearing it the next couple of nights as well even though he didn't need it. He wanted to wear it to school the next day, but I put my foot down. :-) Think he liked the bandage. He is such a mess. I love this big brown eyed boy of mine!!!!
P.S. We are getting the staples out tomorrow afternoon. The cut has healed nicely I think. However, I would imagine he will have a nice little scar.