Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Random Happenings This Month

 The boys are still playing ball and having a blast.  Lincoln's team is really good and we enjoy watching them so much!

Layton scoring a goal!

Lincoln seriously loves his little brother.

Ledger and I went to the zoo.

He ran around everywhere!  I love seeing him enjoy himself so much.

Couples Bunko was this month.  Kelly hosted.  We had yummy food and played a hilarious game.  Certain husbands just keep us all laughing!  We all love this tradition.

Daddy daughter date night.

Hannah was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society.  We are so proud of her hardwork!

Our Life Group kids.  We have a crew!

Layton had a Valentine's Day Party at school.

Poor buddy is still dealing with this awful molluscum.  I tell ya, I hate this stuff!!  There is not much you can do about it.  I can hardly wait for it to go away.  

Hannah and Katelynn thought they were so cool when they got a henna tattoo while on a teen trip.

Lincoln went with the Kasinger family to Houston for Soul Link.  It is a youth rally that the Kasinger's are involved with.  Lincoln had an absolute blast and can not wait to go back next year!

These are just a couple of cute videos of Ledger that I took this month.  I love hearing him talk.  It is the cutest sound.  I never want to forget his sweetness at this age!

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