You are such a pleasant little baby. You are an absolute joy. You love your momma and give me lots and lots of smiles! You have started paying more attention to Lincoln. You just watch him and smile. I so hope you guys are pals one day.
We put you in your little chair thing. I don't know what it is called but I really like it. The tray turns and has lots of toys around it. The seat is like a bumbo, but turns into a booster seat later. You didn't know what to think of it at first and are able to sit in it better as the weeks have gone by.
I love how you clasp your hands together. It is so sweet. This month you really started playing with your hands. You chew on them alot. You can hold things now, but aren't great at it yet. You are becoming more interested in toys every day.
You are wearing mostly 3-6 months clothes right now. Still in size 1-2 diapers. You are losing some of your hair, but still have quite a bit. I love how it sticks up. Your eyes are still blue and so many people think your eyes look like Hannah's. Dr. Byrum was looking at you the other day and couldn't believe how much you looked liked your sister. I get that alot.
You like taking a bath. You are about to outgrow our baby bathtub. I'm really looking forward to putting you in the tub with the other kids when you can sit up!
I took this picture one afternoon after I had put you down on the couch for a second so I could put a load of laundry in. When I came back to get you, you had fallen asleep and were just a snoring. It was so cute!
You like taking a bath. You are about to outgrow our baby bathtub. I'm really looking forward to putting you in the tub with the other kids when you can sit up!
You are sleeping pretty well still. I usually feed you between 6 and 7 p.m. and then put you down to sleep between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. I will do a dream feed around 10:00 p.m. which you pretty much sleep through. You usually sleep till about 5:30 a.m. We still have some nights where you wake up and need to eat sooner, but that is the usual schedule. It actually works pretty well with my schedule since I have to leave the house around 7:30 a.m. to take Hannah to school. I just feed you when I get home or if I'm running errands, I'll feed you in the car. We do quite a bit of feeding in the car these days. Crazy times.
When we are home in the mornings, you will sometimes take a good 2 hour nap. Then you nap again around 1:00 for maybe an hour and a half or till it is time to pick up Hannah at 3:30. Mind you, this is on a good day. You usually take another late afternoon nap. You are great to just let me put you down in bed and you fall asleep. I am so thankful for this!
When we are home in the mornings, you will sometimes take a good 2 hour nap. Then you nap again around 1:00 for maybe an hour and a half or till it is time to pick up Hannah at 3:30. Mind you, this is on a good day. You usually take another late afternoon nap. You are great to just let me put you down in bed and you fall asleep. I am so thankful for this!
I took this picture one afternoon after I had put you down on the couch for a second so I could put a load of laundry in. When I came back to get you, you had fallen asleep and were just a snoring. It was so cute!
I love how you sleep with your arms up. When you are trying to fall asleep, you will put your hands up to your face and just suck on your pacy. This is how you put yourself to sleep.
You haven't rolled over yet, but will roll onto your side.
I put you in your jumperoo this month. You were so stinkin cute sitting in it like a big boy. Over the last couple of weeks you have really started enjoying it. You play with the toys on it and lately have really been jumping in it! We all love to watch you in your jumperoo!
You noticed your feet this month. You lift them in the air and just stare! You haven't figured out that you can grab them yet! I love watching you discover things! You also discovered your voice this month! Oh how you can talk! You like to give me an ear full when we are in the car and you need something. It sounds like you are trying to really tell me something. It always makes me smile.
We have tried to give you a bottle a few times in anticipation of this past Friday night where Kris and I took Hannah to Hot Springs to hear Casting Crowns. We left around 4:30 and got home around 11:00. You and Lincoln stayed with Mimi and Pappaw. You took two bottles although you weren't very fond of them. Mimi said you ate a couple ounces and then just didn't want anymore, but you never really fussed. I just don't like to give bottles. It is too much work! BUT I do like the idea of giving your Daddy the opportunity to feed you every once in a while.
Here you are sitting with Linc after he had been to the dentist all morning. He had to have a filling and a crown. You guys were watching tv together. Ha!
Your brother and sister love you.
I love your pouty face when you get upset. Oh, you do not like loud noises one bit. You cry every time. I think in this picture you had just had enough of the cuddling.