Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lincoln is 8 months old!!

Yes, Lincoln is already 8 months old! I can't believe it. Here are a few things he is doing:

Still trying so hard to crawl. He mostly lays on his stomach and flaps his arms and legs really fast thinking he's going to move toward the object in front of him he is trying to get. Here he is on all fours. He can get on his knees sometimes, but hasn't figured out what to do after that. He is actually moving all over the floor by rolling, turning, and scooting.

He has started eating some table foods like mashed potatoes, baked beans, bananas, Ritz crackers, and gold fish crackers. He hasn't quite gotten the pincher grasp down yet, so when he goes to grab the Gerber puffs, he grabs it with his whole hand and shoves it in his mouth the best he can. He gets it in most of the time! Lincoln loves to eat! He starts grunting and moving his fingers back and forth if he's at the table with us and we don't give him something. We have been working on the sign language for "more". Sometimes we think he may be doing it cause he starts kind of clapping his hands. You can tell he wants more food. We gave him some 3rd foods spaghetti the other night. You would think that he liked it by this first picture....

but he didn't. Here he is gagging!!!

Lincoln has his two bottom front teeth and is working on his two top front teeth. You can see one of them under the skin. It just hasn't broken through yet. We've had a few bad nights lately, probably due to teething. I wish they'd just break on through!

He has been jabbering a lot lately. He makes all kinds of sounds. Sometimes it sounds like he is really trying to talk. When he gets upset and wants me to pick him up, he starts making a "mmmmm" sound. It may be wishful thinking, but I think he's trying to say Momma!!!

Another thing he has learned to do is clap his hands. This is so cute to watch. If you say "Yeah, Lincoln", he'll start to clap. He loves to bang his toys together too. He plays really well by himself just sitting in the floor with his toys.

Lincoln is such a joy! He is really a good baby! I thoroughly enjoy watching him and just laughing at the cute things he does. He is so special and I thank God for him every day!

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