A few things I absolute love about Lincoln:
***His laugh. I could listen to it all day!
***How he goes around calling my name all the time, "Mamma Mamma!" It's like he's saying, "Where are you? Do you see me?"
***When he does "the cheese." This is something his Daddy taught him I think. You can ask him to give you "the cheese" and he'll grit his teeth together and smile so hard at you that he shakes!
***That he can give you "the rock"--another thing his Daddy taught him. He makes a fist, sticks his hand out, and hits fists with you. LOVE THIS!
***How he says "Num Num Num" and licks his lips when he sees his food that I'm getting ready for him.
***How he gets excited when I sing to him and seems to enjoy it. He loves the song "God Made the Big Round Sun." I love seeing him try to do the motions.
***How he loves to give people love, especially other babies. He will lay his head down on them and say "Awwww." Such a sweetie!
***How he gets really excited when I turn on the TV. He looks very intently and says what sounds like "Wow!" really loud, over and over.
I could go on and on. Here are a few other things about Lincoln this month.
**He is learning some animal sounds. He knows what the chicken, horse, lion, cow, and sheep say.
** He LOVES his pacy still. I am totally dreading having to get rid of it one day. I'm not really sure when that will be. :)
**He loves to have Cheetos Puffs at lunch. Some of his other favorite foods are grapes, hard-boiled eggs, french fries, and bread. He is such a good eater!
**He is saying more words these days. A few new words he can say are water, Dora, teeth, nose, and Pappaw. He is just not very clear in his speech, but I can understand him. He tries really hard to say things I ask him to repeat.
**I am still nursing twice a day. I hope to have him completely weaned in a couple of weeks.
** Lincoln can point to your/his eyes, nose, teeth, ears, tummy, and toes. He loves to try to stick his finger in your nose.
**Some of his favorite toys are, of course, anything of Hannah's that is in her room. He loves to go back to her room. He loves her Dora dominoes, her vacuum, her hats, and her bows in the bathroom.
**He constantly gets in trouble for getting in the trash and mommy's make-up drawer.
**He loves to drag out things in the kitchen cabinets, try to take the DVD's out of their cases, yank electrical cords out of the wall, run his fingers down the screen on the fireplace, and rip out pages from our photo albums.
YES, I am a VERY busy woman!!!!!