Friday, August 15, 2008

Growing Up

Hannah is growing up. I am facing that reality more every day it seems. She will start Preschool two mornings a week on Tuesday. She will be four in October, but sometimes I think she is already acting like a teenager with her little backtalk, her getting upset and telling me she's "going to her room", and her own ways of doing things like dressing herself and fixing her own hair. This morning one of the first things she did after waking up was to go in the bathroom and fix her hair. I had to catch the moment.

Those that were at our Life Group on Wednesday night got to witness her "braids", as she will sometimes call them, for themselves. You don't understand how much self-control it takes me sometimes to just let her fix it like she wants to. Now, I haven't let her leave it her way in real public yet, but yes, I know that day is coming as well. :) I suppose I am preparing myself for it. She is such a character.

1 comment:

kristen g. said...

Oh wow! This is going to be us in a year (or less). Today Kate decided she would only wear her diaper, her apron, and her princess shoes. Needless to say we haven't leave the house :)