Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Layton is 3 months!

My sweet boy! You are 3 months old today! You have really begun to fill out this month. You are eating every 3 hours mostly. You are nursing well and much quicker. It usually takes you about 15-20 minutes to eat--unless you are sleepy and it drags out a bit more. You are in 0-3 months clothes still, but are about to break into the 3-6 months stuff I think. You are wearing a size 1 diaper. Today you weighed 12 lbs 15 oz. The rolls are really starting to show!

9 1/2 weeks

You have started noticing the toys on your bouncy seat really well but just can't quite figure out how to grab them yet, but you try hard. You really like to kick your legs when in your bouncy seat too.

You and Lincoln are becoming buddies. One day I put you down on the floor with him in the playroom while he was watching tv. He went and got you both blankets and covered you up and made you all comfy. You didn't seem to mind. Now sometimes, you DO mind things Mr. Lincoln does to you. He likes to get in your face. You can only take so much! For the most part though, he is pretty sweet to you. When he gets home from school most days, he asks me "How's Bud, Mom?" I just love this! He still loves to kiss on you all the time too!

At 10 1/2 weeks, I decided you should sleep in your own bed. I wasn't sure how Lincoln or you would handle this, but to my surprise, you both did wonderfully! Lincoln has not messed with you and stays pretty quiet (with some reminders mind you). He even manages to stay asleep some how when you wake up and cry. So, this has been a pretty smooth transition. I quit propping you up with the boppy pillow because your reflux was better. I was swaddling you with the swaddle blanket but you would always manage to get yourself out of it somehow and so now you are pretty much unswaddled when you sleep. You cry out a little a couple of times a night needing your pacy put back in. So, I get up and stick it back in and you go back to sleep. You are going 7-9 hours straight between feedings at night. Last night you went from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. That is the best you have done yet! Naps are whenever and wherever we can get them. If I am out and about, you sleep in your carseat. If we are home, I put you in your bed. We are not very scheduled with naps because our schedule is so crazy, but you take 3-4 naps a day. You are good about just letting me lay you down in your bed awake and you go right to sleep. I just try to watch for those sleepy signs.

Here is Hannah reading you a little book she made at school. Your big brother and sister just love you!

11 weeks - You like to be sung to and have us move your hands. You just grin and look so happy. You keep your hands in fists still most of the time, but are just about to start really noticing them. We have caught you looking at them a couple of times. I can't wait till you can hold your toys!

I just had to take your picture in the hat. Lincoln wore this outfit when he was 6 weeks old. It didn't fit you till around 12 weeks.

12 1/2 weeks

This picture is from today. It got out of order. I love your droopy cheeks.
You have figured out how to blow bubbles. I think you may be starting to teethe a bit too because you have really been chewing on your hands and drooling.

You are smiling so big! No laughs yet but we've been trying!

You are a sensitive little guy. You get your feelings hurt easily. You know how to let me know when you are really hungry. You love bath time. I am sure I'm forgetting some things about you right now, but this is all I can remember right now. You are just the most precious little thing. You still look just like Hannah to me and sometimes I even have a little deja vu. Most people still think you look like Hannah.
You at 3 months!

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