Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Knows Where We Live!

Yes, the Tooth Fairy visited our house Sunday night! Hannah lost her first tooth! She decovered it was loose about a month before. We had been talking about one of her friends that had just lost her first tooth and I asked her if she had any yet. She told me no and left the room. A minute later she came running back in telling me that she did in fact have a loose tooth! We were all so excited! This was big news in our house!

So, over the weeks that followed, it got looser and looser until Sunday night it was just barely hanging on. After church we came home for supper and Kris asked her if he could see it. He kept saying "Come on. Just let me pull it out?" She laughed and said no. However, she kept letting him look at it and move it around. Finally, I think they both heard a little crack and out it came! She was the funniest thing about it. She just giggled and giggled. It was adorable. We all were excited. When she noticed it was bleeding some, I could tell she didn't know quite what to think. But she just kept giggling. It was a sweet little milestone moment.

Of course, we had to leave the tooth for the Tooth Fairy in her little Tooth Fairy pillow that her Grandma got her. She loved the idea of putting her tooth in it.

Can't you tell she was so excited to go to bed and see what the Tooth Fairy would leave her in the morning?!

Well, the Tooth Fairy left her a $2 bill. She took it to school the next day. She really wanted to show everyone. She got to sign the big tooth at school as well. I know this was a big deal for her as she has been watching other kids in class do this over the last several weeks. Fun stuff. I can't believe my little girl is old enough to start losing teeth!

1 comment:

Steven said...

Congratulations! Better than money - remember to catch the Tooth Fairy in the act for FREE.