You love the toilet! One day I caught you like this.
Guilty!! We try so hard to keep the door closed, but you just gravitate to this room!
You and Hannah are still just buds. She loves you so much and has taken to picking you up and carrying you around--alot! She really wants to be a little momma. I love how she talks to you and is so good to you. Totally makes me happy!
You are great at playing by yourself. You will go to different rooms and find something to do and just play and play. Now the week that Hannah and Lincoln were gone to Mimi and Pappaw's, you didn't want to be by yourself as much and constantly wanted me with you. But as soon as they got home, you were back to your little independent self again. You have started putting things into things now and spend several minutes trying to figure things out.
You get very upset with me when I turn it off and take the hose away. You have a little fit. I must say, even when throwing a fit, you are absolutely adorable. AND you remind me so much of Hannah when you do this!!! It is crazy how much you are like her.
It is easy for me to melt with this face. Other times that you will cry are when I try to leave you in the nursery for Bible class. You are still having a lot of separation anxiety. I can't really bear it, so I will either just take you to class with me or stay in there with you. The other kids never really went through this. I never had any trouble leaving them anywhere. You are my baby, though, and I just don't like to see you so sad. The thing is, I know that this phase will pass (all too soon) and you won't need me so much. So, I am eating it up while I can, I guess.
You have some crazy hair in the mornings sometimes. Had to take a picture of this do.
Side view! Ha! As for eating, I stopped nursing you right when you turned 13 months, so it took me about a month to completely wean you. Bittersweet for me. Thinking about the fact that that was the last time I will nurse one of my babies makes me want to cry. I have spent about 3 1/2 years nursing out of the almost 7 years that I have had a kid. Crazy thought. I have been through a lot with nursing, but every single minute was totally worth it.
More about you and food. You say "Ummm" when you eat something you like. It is so cute. You whisper "hot" and start trying to blow when you see us blowing your food before giving it to you. You don't seem to care for bread much, but other than that, you just about like everything. Lately you have taken to tomatoes. You love them and get so excited when you see them on the table. We have been eating a lot of them lately from Mimi and Pappaw's garden. You eat them like fruit! Ha! You also love anything green like broccoli, green beans, and peas. You especially love strawberries and grapes. You can eat 4 chicken nuggets from Chickfila and even had some steak this month which you liked. You love your milk and when you want a drink you say "water" but it comes out sounding like "apple". Funny. I know exactly what you want and when I ask you if you want it, you nod your head up and down. Your head nod is so cute. You have started spitting food out of your mouth some mostly when you decide you want a drink at that moment and instead of finishing chewing up your food, you just spit it out. A couple of times you have decided to throw your food off your tray and your Daddy has gotten on to you for this and boy did that hurt your feelings. You just cried. Pitiful.
I can take you anywhere. You are so so good. You were awesome during Hannah and Lincoln's week at soccer camp. You were just starting to walk then.
I took this picture because you love electrical outlets. I have to watch you like a hawk. The one in your room that has your night light in it you go to EVERY single morning--if I don't take it out first and put a plug in it. Scares me to death.
Your hair. I love your hair. I took you to get your hair cut while the big kids were gone. It was pretty long and needed a trim. Made you look like a big boy though. These pictures were before your hair cut. I love how your hair blows. My favorite thing, though, is the part of your hair in the back that sticks up all the time. Cutest thing ever. People make comments about it all the time.
You can wave and say "Hi" now and sometimes say "Bye Bye". You pull at your diaper if I ask you if you stink. You try to say diaper and try to make the sound "Shoowee" to imitate me when I'm changing your dirty diapers. You can blow kisses when you want to and give hugs and kisses. Your Daddy is always asking you to give him kisses. He loves your kisses. You point at everything and when you hear loud noises like a truck revving its engine or a train you get excited and make a sound like "Whoa!"
You love for me to sing. Your favorite song is still "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". You also like Old MacDonald.
You are in a size 4 or 5 diaper (depending on what I have). Your shoe size is a 3 or 4. You are wearing size 12 months clothes mostly. You are a little shorty and look absolutely adorable now that you are walking around.
You are sleeping pretty good. You typically go to bed around 8:30 p.m. and wake up between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m. I will go get you and put you in the bed with me for 30 minutes to an hour depending on if you go back to sleep or not. Sometimes you do and sometimes we just cuddle for a bit before getting up. I love this time with you.
One last thing I want to remember about you is your laugh. You love to laugh and laugh easily. I'm going to try to get your cute little laugh on video soon before it changes or something. It is the cutest thing.
Layton - 13 months
I could go on and on about you Layt and all that I love and want to remember. You are an angel and I love you to pieces!