Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Swimming Lessons!

A couple of weeks ago Hannah and Lincoln took swimming lessons for the first time.  We joined a pool this summer and they had lessons there for a really good price.  They were 5 days for 45 minutes each day and the kids really learned a lot.  They learned how to bob, blow bubbles out their noses, floating on their back, gliding, different kicks and arms, the breast stroke, the free style, and the back stroke.  It really was everything I was wanting them to learn.

Hannah working on her back stroke.

Lincoln doing the free style.

The last day they got to go in the deep end and jump off the diving board.  The kids were so excited about doing this.  Molly, the teacher, started out by having them jump to her, but it wasn't long before she moved out of the way and they were doing it completely on their own.  Yay!!  So, now when we go to the pool, they get to jump off the diving board all they want.  They love it!

Mr. Lincoln was so excited during the first lesson that he had a hard time staying on the steps while Molly was teaching the other kids one-on-one.  She had to keep telling him to sit down on the steps.  So, I came up with a solution.  I had gotten him this Star Wars Lego book at Sams a while back and had been waiting on the perfect time to give it to him.  He knew about it and was really wanting it.  So, I told him if he would obey and stay on the steps like he was supposed to, that he could have it on Friday.  Each day he and Hannah would get a little treat too just to keep him motivated.  It worked beautifully and I was really proud of him.  Showed me he CAN do it if he really wants to.  Stinker.  Anyway, I told him he should be really proud of himself as well because he did it!  I know it was hard for him.  When he gets excited, he has a hard time controlling himself sometimes.

I couldn't leave Hannah out, so she got this little needlepoint set that I got at Hobby Lobby for her to do this summer.

So, we have some little swimmers on our hands now which is really great!

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