It has been a few months since I have updated about you, Layton. You are up to so much that I don't want to forget.
One of the biggest things to update on is how much more you are talking. It's like when you turned two, you decided you were going to finally start talking. You talk all the time now. LOVE to hear what you have to say. It is the cutest thing ever. But, by far, my favorite thing to hear you say is "Bubba" and "Sissy." That is what you call Hannah and Lincoln. I absolutely think it is the cutest thing. You are really missing them during the day. You ask me over and over and over again all throughout the day where they are. It wears me out--but I love that you are thinking about them. When I tell you they are at school, you look at me and say "Me?" like "Mom, I want to go too." I ask you if you want to go to school and you say yes. I act like I'm all sad and tell you I want you to stay with me. I am loving this time with you.
Cuddling with your dog and blanket and Bubba.
You still love your "beep beeps". How cute you are playing with this car all sprawled out of the floor! Such a boy.
One of the things we do most mornings after we get home after taking the kids to school and many days when they get home is ride bikes. You always ask me to ride bikes in the mornings when we are about to get home. You ride your little four wheeler, Hannah's Razor scooter, and Lincoln's big scooter. I wish I had a picture of you on the scooters. You are fearless.
I love when I get to cuddle with you.
You are very much into trains right now which I just love. We play trains alot. For the longest time, you would get scared when you'd hear the real train that we can hear at our house. I think you are finally getting used to it though. I love how you call them "choo choos".
Here's a sweet video of you with your choo choos.
You like to "see" what I am doing when I am in the kitchen. You will go pull a chair over so you can watch!
One morning you crawled in bed with Sissy and tried to wake her up!
We don't normally leave the bunk bed ladder out because if we do, we will find you like this.
You still love markers and draw on yourself any chance you get. By the way, we got this awesome drawing table from Grandma and Grandad at our last visit. The kids just love it!!! Thanks!!!
I think we may have another lefty!!!
You love tractors!!!!
You are my shopping buddy. I ask you all the time if you are my buddy. Most of the time you shake your head yes. :)
We watched Eden and Harper one night a few weeks ago. Oh my did you love Harper!!! You ask about her all the time!!! She is such a cutie!!!
We went to Burns Park one morning since we were over that way. You had a lot of fun. You thought riding the see-saw with me was hilarious. Didn't get a picture of that one.
There is an old train there. You loved it, but were disappointed because you couldn't go inside. :)
Every Tuesday you go to Ladies Bible Class with me and get to play for a couple of hours with some other kids. Afterwards we usually go to Sam's and eat pizza--sometimes with Daddy.
Last Monday I decided I would give it a real go at the potty training. You had been pooping almost everyday on the potty at lunchtime and would occasionally peepee. So, I thought I'd give it my undivided attention for a couple of days and see what happened. I hate potty training. You haven't done bad--at all. I just have to have so much patience and I am not the best at that. You will go on the potty quite a bit and don't usually fight me about it. You don't always tell me, though, when you need to go and are still having accidents occasionally. I eased up at the end of last week and just decided to put you in underwear as much as possible when we are at home and see what happens. So that's what we are doing. You are too cute in your Thomas underwear.
You filled up one chart and we were so excited!!!
I got you this Thomas at Rhea Lana and put it up at the top of the bathroom cabinet and told you when you filled up your chart, you could have it. You were so excited and really love it!! The funny thing was that you ran and got the remote control from another car and thought you could use it to make Thomas go. You have finally learned he goes by pushing a button on him. You love to hear him talk and watch him go!!!
You are finally getting into watching t.v. some. I caught you very into watching a show one day while sitting on the floor. You seem to like Chuggington and Caillou and Max and Ruby.
I found you like this one day looking at books. Love it!! We have started trying to go to the library story time on Mondays. You enjoy this and really like to play on the computers there. Ha! We checked out some fun books and have been reading them alot this week.
I am thoroughly enjoying my days with you, Buddy. I think that I have used the word "love" a bagillion times in this post, but that is just the way I feel about you and everything about you. What a blessing you are to me!!!