Sunday, May 24, 2009

Missing our Daddy but having so much fun at MiMi and Pappaw's

Kris has been gone on a 2 week trip for his MBA to Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Honduras. He gets back on Tuesday! Hallelujah!!! I have missed him terribly! We have never been apart this long before and I can not wait for him to get home!

The kids and I came last Monday to spend the week with my parents. I got to get a much needed hair cut and highlight by my cousin, Amy, and had an afternoon of shopping ALONE. Great fun for me!

The kids, on the other hand, have just had a ball. They have really enjoyed the farm. Here are some of the things they have done this week.

My Dad had some dirt hauled in to use on the yard. So, they have played on the dirt pile and in the sandbox alot! They have been some dirty little kiddos!

Mimi and Pappaw got them a little swing set. They have enjoyed swinging and sliding. They have been outdoors alot. This is a good thing!!!!

They have ridden the 4 wheeler A LOT! Lincoln was asking to "Ride. Ride" some more last night after all the family had left, but it was too late. I think he woke up in the middle of the night crying and saying, "Ride. Ride." Seriously! They loved those 4 wheelers!

I have to admit. So did I!!
They have watched Pappaw cut, bale, and haul hay.

Here's Linc sitting on top of a hay bale trying to smile for the camera.
They have watched their Uncle Wes and his silly self, mow.

They have drunk alot of coolaid. Notice the red stuff all over his face. Don't know what happened!

They picked blackberries with me and Pappaw.

Hannah loved doing this. She loved holding the hat and being helpful.

Lincoln got a boo boo, of course--a splinter from the blackberries.

He also ate some blackberries. Hannah had a few and then was done. But Lincoln...

kept eating...

and eating!!!

Other things we've done while here:

Played with the neighbors' dog, Lucy, or "Luty" as Lincoln calls her.

Played with "Jet" and "Wet". This is what Linc calls Uncle Wes and Uncle Jeff. I think these names will stick.

Read a lot of good books. My mom kept all the classic Disney books that we had when we were kids. Hannah and Lincoln have loved being read to.

Swung on the porch swing.

Watched the birds (humming birds in the humming bird feeder especially) and the bunnies.

Checked on the cows.

We have had a great week! I can tell Hannah is missing her Daddy and is ready to see him. Man, I am too!!!

1 comment:

kristen g. said...

The kool-aid shot of Lincoln is hilarious! It looks like he got in a nasty fight with the Mr. kool-aid guy, the one that looks like a pitcher of kool-aid?!

Isn't it nice to be with family when the hubby's gone? There's no sense in being lonely at home! :)