Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This was Layton all ready for church on Sunday. I thought he looked adorable in his little sweater vest, pants, and shoes. I got some sweet smiles too!

My favorite!

Gearing up for soccer!!

We are gearing up for soccer here! We finally signed Hannah up!! She is SO excited! The night after we signed her up, Kris came home with 2 soccer balls and a soccer goal!

The kids had at it!

Kris tried to teach Hannah how to kick the ball.

She did pretty good.

Once Kris was kicking the ball back down the yard and it hit Hannah smack in the face. He laughed it off to try to keep her from getting upset. I told her that sometimes when you play soccer, you may get hit or knocked down, but you have to just get back up and shake it off. Well, her eyes teared up when the ball hit her in the face. She tried so hard not to cry and she didn't but you could tell she was fighting the tears back.

This little guy was kicking that ball back and forth all over the yard for about 20 or 30 minutes non-stop. Then, he told us he was hot and he was done. He actually had pretty good coordination. I look forward to him playing one day too! It will be good for him to run off all his endless energy!

Layton came out to watch the action.

Hannah stayed outside with Kris after Lincoln went in for at least another 30-45 minutes. I can't wait to see how she does. Games start on September 11th!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Layton is 2 months old!

Layton, at 2 months, here are some of the things I want to remember about you:

We went to the doctor today for your check-up and you weighed 11 lbs 5 oz (50%) and were 23 1/4 inches (75%). You are a big boy! However, I still think you look so little. You got a bunch of shots today and have been running a fever of 100, but even with the fever, you have been in a pretty good mood today.

You have had your first cold/virus the last few days. Lincoln had the croup a couple weeks ago and we have all had some kind of something ever since. Dr. Byrum said you probably have the same virus. It just affects people differently. So, far you have just had a stuffy/runny nose and a really goopy, green eye. We are waiting to hear if it is pink eye when the culture comes back.

You really started to smile and coo around 6 1/2 weeks. I LOVE to see your smiles and hear you try to talk. It is the best thing ever! Hannah and Lincoln can make you smile now and they love it too. I can't wait for you to laugh out loud!

You took your first long road trip which was to visit Grandma and Grandad in KC. You did great!

You have started noticing the toys on your bouncy seat and swing. Sometimes I think they kind of scare you, but hopefully you will be trying to reach out and grab them soon.

You are sleeping through the night!!!! Yippee!! You started this around 7 1/2 weeks I think. I usually feed you somewhere between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and you will usually sleep for 8 or 9 hrs! This has made a huge difference in my life!! I feel more rested and just better all around. You are still in the pack-n-play in our room, but I may try to move you to your room after you get over this virus. We will see if I can part with you.

When I am home--you are getting better at taking some good naps. We have been so busy lately, you have had most naps in your car seat it seems. I don't like this, but it hasn't been able to be helped. Luckily, you have been so good to just get your sleep whenever you can. You just seem to go with the flow!

You like to stand on my tummy when I am holding you over my shoulder. You are a strong little booger!

Last month you were having trouble pooping. Dr. Byrum helped us out with this little problem at your last appointment and you have been much better since. It really helped your nursing. You are getting faster at this and it has been much easier lately.

You still have a little bit of reflux, so we are continuing to prop you up on your boppy when you sleep. You sleep best on your side and swaddled with one arm out. I will swaddle you but you will work on it until you get that arm out!

We just love you to pieces, Layton. You are just the cutest thing. I get a little camera happy when taking pictures of you. :-)

5 1/2 weeks

Trying to talk to me.

These crying faces remind me so much of Hannah!

Pouty lip. So cute!

Still have tons of hair.

7 weeks
You were smiling at Hannah. She is so cute trying to make you smile.

I love your little chin!

8 weeks
Taking a little nap in the floor.

Your big sister loves you!!

2 months old!!!!

Just precious.

We love you sweet boy!!

Layton's 1st Trip to Texarkana

We went home to Texarkana this past weekend. It was Layton's first time to go. We just stayed home and relaxed while we were there for the most part. Pappaw's tractor was broken so the boys couldn't do hay. I actually think Kris was disappointed about this. It was so hot, I don't think Pappaw was disappointed about not doing hay at all. :-)

We ate watermelon. I can remember eating watermelon a lot when I'd go to my Pappaw's house as a child (my dad's dad). He used to grow them. Lincoln enjoyed his piece.

Layton is such a good little thing. He slept alot. He likes to sleep with one eye half open. I think this is because he has got to keep one eye on his big brother. He can't be too sure of what he'll do to him!

Both Uncle Wes and Uncle Jeff were there this visit. Here's the kids with Uncle Wes. He is always so silly with them.

Layton is sleeping on a blanket that my mom made for Wes when he was a baby. I think it is so cute.

Pappaw joined in on the sleeping! Ha!

The kids played outside some. It was just so hot! They rode the four wheeler, but I didn't get their picture this time.

This was probably the result of not having a nap on Saturday. He was SO tired that night!!

Hannah always has so much fun!

Yes, my parents live in the country!!! Love it!!

Mimi with Layton

Pappaw and the kiddos enjoying some popsicles!

I always like to get family pictures when we go home. I needed one with me and the three kids!

Only the 2nd Family of Five picture that we have. The first one was at the hospital when Layton was born.

Mimi with the kids.

My handsome brothers.

On Sunday after church, we went to the nursing home to visit my Mammaw. She met Layton for the first time. I had to make sure I got a picture. She is the kids' only great-grandparent left alive. Mammaw is 94.

We had a great relaxing weekend at home. I hope Layton can make many memories there!!