Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pregnancy Pics: Weeks 37-38

I went to the doctor on May 5th for my 37 week visit.  When she checked me I was 2 cm and 50% effaced.  I asked her if she had any idea how big this baby would be and she felt around on my tummy and said she thought around 7 lbs at delivery.  She thought he was still head down.  This is always important to me.  She said I could be induced at 39 weeks if I wanted but I am not big on induction.  I felt like I would wait it out.

I am still feeling okay.  I am sick to death of maternity clothes, still swelling in my feet and legs, and have noticed that I have these freckle looking spots on my face.  The baby is still moving well and I am sleeping well.  I feel huge.

I went to my 38 week visit on May 10th.  When I got to the doctors office and sat down in the waiting room, I thought I felt what I would call a real contraction.  It didn't feel like a Braxton Hicks contraction.  It hurt slightly and lasted about a minute.  When I got back to see the doctor, she checked me and I was still 2 cm and 75% effaced.  We scheduled my next appointment for the 19th which would have been 3 days before my due date.

Little did I know that 38 weeks would be my last pregnancy picture.

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