Thursday, June 23, 2016

Layton turns 6 years old!

Layton turned 6 on the 21st.  Can't believe that.  We decided on just a family party this year.  He is not a big cake eater and he couldn't decide on a pie or some other dessert that he wanted.  So, we just had ice cream sandwiches because that is what he likes.  :-)

Big trucks and cars are still some of his favorite things.

He was excited about his money from Mimi and Pappaw and Uncle Jeff.

We had celebrated over the weekend with Mimi and Pappaw but on his actual birthday night we met Kris up at his office.  His boss came in and when he heard that it was Layton's birthday, he pulled out his wallet and handed him a $100 bill.  He was thrilled!

Funny side story:  As we were walking out of Kris' office to head to dinner, Lincoln looked up at Kris and said, "Dad, next year when it is my birthday, can we come up to your office?"  Haha!  His wheels were turning!

Layton wanted to go eat at Larry's Pizza for dinner and then go bowling.  So, that is what we did.

Ledger slept the whole time.  :-)

Hannah was excited about her strike!

Here are some things I want to remember about Layton at 6:

**He loves to play Minecraft on his Kindle.
**He loves to hang out with Lincoln and any other "big" boys that might be around (like the neighbor kids).  He thinks he is as big as them.
**He still loves to play with my hair especially when I read to him at night.
**He is still tiny for his age.  Can still wear some size 4 clothes, but wears 5T as well.
**Finally got him to pee pee standing up!!
**Favorite foods are fettuccine alfredo and Cajun chicken pasta, steak, any kind of fruit especially watermelon, candy, smoothies, celery and carrots with ranch.
**Loves to ride his bike, play baseball and basketball, and swim.  Is a great swimmer!
**Knows all his letters and sounds but is not interested in reading yet.
**Full of energy
**Still loves cars and trucks
**Asks tons of questions and lots of "whys?"
**Loves to work with his daddy and help him do whatever he is doing
**Loves to help me in the kitchen.  Has learned how to make scrambled eggs and begs to do it all himself.


Even though you technically aren't the baby of the family anymore, you will always be my baby.  I thought of you that way for so long, I just can't change it.  You are one special, smart little boy.  I am going to miss you like crazy this next year as you go to Kindergarten.  It brings tears to my eyes as I sit and type this to just think about it.  You have been my little buddy for so long.  It will be so weird to not have you with me.  But I know you are going to rock Kindergarten.  I can't wait to hear you read by yourself and see you grow and change.  My prayer for you is that you will get an awesome teacher, make lots of great friends, and that you will remain that sweet, precious little boy you have always been.  I love you, Layt!!!  Happy 6th Birthday!!!

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