Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas at Mimi and Pappaw's

We finally made it to Mimi and Pappaw's for Christmas!!

We also celebrated my birthday.  I feel like I have been celebrating my birthday for weeks!  Ha!  I have felt especially loved this year!

Present time!  Ledger had a big one, and he was ready to rip into it!

This puppy dog from Uncle Wes was a BIG hit with Ledger!  He was so cute to watch.  His faces at the different sounds were the cutest!

The boys got Third Realm gift cards from their uncles which they were thrilled about!

Mom and Dad opening their gifts from the kids.

Ledger thought Pappaw's funnel was a hat.

We all got my parents' family pictures to be taken by Tim Sitler whenever we can all get together.  I am looking forward to this, and I know Mom has wanted these for a while now.

Ledger was trying out his new toy.

What a great Christmas!  Thankful to all be together.  Love my family dearly!

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