Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My little roley poley!!

I have had so much fun watching Lincoln the last couple of nights. He has finally figured out that he can roll around and actually get to things. It is very entertaining!! He squeals with delight the whole time.

Look at those rolls!!!!!!

Lincoln is trying so hard to crawl. He gets on his belly and flaps his arms and legs back and forth really fast. Here's a few pics of him trying.

Here's Hannah "counting" the money that I gave her for being good while we ran errands today. She calls it her "cash", puts it in one of her purses, tells us she's going to Wal-Mart or Sams, and kisses us good-bye. She thinks she is SO big!

Lincoln thought it was so funny that Hannah took off his diaper. He just giggled and giggled and so did she. It is awesome to see them laugh together. I love this!! Later tonight while I was feeding Linc in his highchair, he got to laughing so hard at Hannah who was playing peek-a-boo with him behind his chair that he could hardly eat. I love these happy moments of them together!!


Little Rock Real Estate said...

That is so sweet. I love that they love each other. Linc is a roley poley. So cute and cuddly.


Jennifer said...

those pictures made my day!! Lincoln is growing up too fast! Hannah is so cute with her "cash." I'm sure that she will spend it wisely. Love you guys, Jenn

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures!! I can't wait to see those two. They are growing so fast.

Anonymous said...

i forgot to sign my name! ooops


Nathan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nathan said...

Hannah, there are 5 things you do with Cash:

#1- Make it
#2- Give it
#3- Save it
#4- Spend it
#5- Invest it

I know you'll choose your allocations wisely. There will be a quiz tonight at LifeGroup.

JR and Hilari said...

He is such a cutie tootie! I love the pictures of him on his belly trying to crawl. I'm glad that we have alot of cute things to look forward to.