Well, it has been a while since I've updated my blog. So, here is lots of random stuff.
We have been giving Lincoln biter biscuits. He really likes them, but they are SO messy!
Lincoln has discovered the door stoppers in almost all the rooms. He loves to flick them so they make that springy noise. Lincoln's main crawl right now is still what I call the army crawl. He pushes himself with his feet and pulls himself with his arms while on his tummy. He is pretty fast at it, so most of the time he seems to prefer it to the real crawl. He does do the real crawl sometimes though.
Kris' parents came down for a quick visit this last Sunday through Tuesday. They brought Hannah some birthday presents. Here she is with her big Barbie head that has hair she can brush and fix. She also got some clothes, a toaster oven, and a Hanging Monkeys game. Thanks Grandma and Granddad!!
I think Granddad really enjoyed Lincoln on this visit. He played with him alot. They were cute together.
Little family picture. This was about the best we could do. We couldn't get the kids to look at the camera at the same time!
My sweet Hannah. She has been sick for a couple of days this week. She just ran a fever like she seems to do every 4 to 6 weeks or so. I guess she just had a little virus or something (at least that is what the doctors say everytime I call them). I don't even take her to the doctor anymore unless she shows any other symptoms besides fever cause there is usually nothing to do but wait it out. The hard part is that when she gets a fever, it really makes her little joints hurt. This time it was especially evident in her right wrist and her right ankle. She would limp pretty bad after having been sitting for a while. Overtime, it would work itself out though. I hate these times when she is sick. She just isn't her sweet, playful, full-of-energy self.
We gave Linc Spaghetti O's last night for the first time. Of course, we stripped him down cause we knew we were in for a MESS! We put them in a bowl and gave him a spoon at first. After he dumped them out on his tray, he played with them for a while and chewed on his spoon. Here's a little clip of that.
Kris must have taken this picture the other night while I was getting groceries. He is the most precious thing!!! (I'm talking about Lincoln, but Kris is pretty great too.)
Linc is into everything these days. He goes everywhere these days. He LOVES balls. He will throw it in front of him and then go get it. I've actually gotten him to play ball with me a couple of times. He'd throw it at me, I'd roll it back, and then he'd do it again. Maybe he will be my ball player!!!
Hannah has discovered that she can wrestle with Lincoln now. She has been doing this quite a bit lately. She will sometimes get a little rough and make her brother cry. He enjoys it most of the time though.
One last little thing. This morning I went downstairs to upload my pictures for just a couple of minutes. I left the kids in the living room playing. When I got back upstairs, I didn't see Hannah anywhere. I checked in her room and just had this bad feeling in my stomach. I ran back to the front door to see that, yes, it was unlocked. She has figured out how to unlock and open the front door. So, that is what she did. I frantically opened the door---to find her sitting in front of it, picking the mums that I had sitting next to the door. She looked up at me like, "Uh Oh, I'm about to get in trouble for picking Mommy's flowers." However, I very calmly told her that she scared me cause I didn't know where she was and I was afraid that a car might get her. I think she was surprised that she wasn't in trouble. SO, now our front door has a Secure Grip Doorknob Cover on it!!!
Very cute pictures! Your kids are so precious. I know you were freaking out when you couldn't find Hannah; she will hear that story repeated over and over again, even when she's 31. Believe me, I know!
I love the pictures!! Especially the one Kris took (I love Lincoln's rolls.) I don't know how you keep up with them and still have time to get everything done. I really look up to you. You are a great mom!!!
Oh the doorstoppers...Kate figured out how to unscrew them from the wall and take the tip off, luckily I pulled it out of her mouth before she could finish eating it! Love the new pictures and updates. They are both soo sweet!
Very cute pictures! Your kids are so precious. I know you were freaking out when you couldn't find Hannah; she will hear that story repeated over and over again, even when she's 31. Believe me, I know!
She's a wrastler. I'll have to teach her some special moves from the Hulkster (brother).....
I love the pictures!! Especially the one Kris took (I love Lincoln's rolls.) I don't know how you keep up with them and still have time to get everything done. I really look up to you. You are a great mom!!!
Lincoln is the cutest! Love the army crawl.
Shelly Dahl
Oh the doorstoppers...Kate figured out how to unscrew them from the wall and take the tip off, luckily I pulled it out of her mouth before she could finish eating it!
Love the new pictures and updates. They are both soo sweet!
Those barbie doll heads TOTALLY freak me out. It all stems from that Wizard of Oz sequel that apparently NO ONE has seen but me...
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