Yay! 3 more weeks till we get to meet Hokie! We were able to do alot this past weekend to get ready for his arrival. We got the rest of the stuff hung in the boys' room, got out things from the attic, washed things, and went and bought some things that we needed. I'll post pictures this week sometime of the room and stuff. I am just trying to rest and pass the days as best I can. I don't go back to the doctor until Monday, so I'm very curious if there will be any more progress. I am still contracting --especially when I am really active. So, I'm trying to take it as easy as possible.
Not too much going on. Just waiting, waiting, waiting! Hokie is approximately 6 1/3 lbs now and about 19 inches long (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Not sure how he has much room left in there. He is considered full-term now so that is reassuring. I'd still like him to stay in there for a bit longer though. However, we know it could be anytime!!
1 comment:
Hang in there! It's good you're trying to rest-- you may not get any for a long, long time after this! Ha! I'm keeping you all in my prayers.
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