Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Keeping Cool

So far this summer it has been SO hot here. Therefore, we have had to come up with ways to play outside--but keep cool! Before Layton was born, this was much easier! Most of these pictures were taken before Layton was born. We were able to go to Wild River Country 2-3 times a week back then. The kids just loved it and so did I! I wasn't able to take any good pictures there because I didn't want to take my good camera. Hopefully, at some point we will be able to go again before the summer is over. We shall see.

We started off the summer in the sprinkler in the front yard.

We have gone to Jack's house once and played in his sprinkler too with Jack and Eden.

I decided to buy a Slip-n-Slide for $5 at Wal-Mart. It broke before I even got it hooked up right. But we were still able to use it okay. The kids LOVED the Slip-n-Slide!!! I got some really cool pictures of them too.

Love Hannah's hair in this one!

Love this one of Linc with his big ole smile!

Since Wild River Country is out of the question for a while now that the baby is here, I really wanted to get a pool for the back yard. Well, it took quite a while for me to convince Kris to get one, but we finally did a couple of weeks ago. It is one that we can actually get in too. I can't wait till I am able to get in it! The kids have really been enjoying it! I wanted this particular pool so that they could continue to practice learning to swim. We haven't done swim lessons yet, but they were doing so well when we'd go to WRC. They are both able to swim some under water now.

Lincoln cracks me up with how much he goes under water. It is constant. He is really good at holding his breath. Hannah is a little more timid about it, but will do it when she really wants to.

We had our friends Jack and Eden over to swim a couple weeks ago. It was so fun!

We have really been having a blast in the water this summer while we try to keep cool!!!