Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Layton is 1 month--already!

Layton, you have been with us for one month now! I can't believe it. I think you complete our little family and we are just SO glad you are here!! The kids just love you. They can't give you enough kisses. They are very interested in you and want you to be happy. They help Mommy with you alot.

Breastfeeding has been a challenge--as it always has been with me in the beginning. However, I think we are doing better. You nurse every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day. You nurse pretty good, but always seem to have to poop during the middle of it. So, I have to stop and wait for you to get done before you will finish. Feeding takes 30-45 minutes usually because of this. You weighed 7 lbs 8 oz at birth and 7 lbs 3 oz when we left the hospital. At 2 weeks, you weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and at 4 weeks you weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. I think you are doing pretty good!!

You like your pacy. Sometimes you sleep fine without it and others, you will cry a little until someone puts it in your mouth. You like to suck.

You are sleeping okay. The first night at home was a little rough. We started propping you up on your boppy because you seem to have a little bit of reflux. You rarely spit up, but sometimes we can tell milk will come up and make you gag. Propping you up to sleep seems to make you more comfortable and you have been sleeping better. I have been feeding you around 11:30 p.m lately and letting you go as long as you can. So far, you have only gone to about 4:15 a.m. (not consistently yet though). I waited until you were 4 weeks before I let you go longer than 4 hours. I am getting some sleep, but look forward to the day when you sleep a little bit longer!!! You need to be swaddled, but like to have your hands up near your face so much that you try with all you might to break out of your swaddle. Right now, you are in the pack-n-play in our room. I don't know how long this will be. I am scared to death to put you in your bed in the room with Lincoln. There is no telling what he will do. :) So, we will see what happens with that.

You have a bit of baby acne on your face and a little on your chest. Mommy is ready for this to go away.

You love to sleep on Mommy and Daddy's chest. Mommy and Daddy sometimes fight over you in the evenings. We both LOVE to cuddle with you.

You have been pretty easy to take places so far. You stay pretty content. We have gone to the movies twice and to the River Market where we rode the trolley. You have just been a little angel. We have been to church since you were 2 weeks old. I forgot to take a picture of your first time to church, but here are a couple with you all dressed up. I'm still not too sure what I think of these bubbles/smocked outfits on my little boys, but you do really look sweet.

Everyone says you look like your sister. She LOVES this and tells everyone this herself. Someone was visiting us the other day and she ran and got one of the pictures of her that we think looks so much like you and showed it to them and told them that you look like she did when she was a baby. She is so proud! There are several things about you that remind me of your sister. When you cry, you look just like she did when she was a baby. Your cries are even similar to me. You have the same lips and nose I think too.
These next 2 pictures are of Hannah around 3 weeks. When I am burping you, you look just like Hannah in this picture! You have the same sweet expression on your face. I love it.

Most of what you do right now is sleep and eat. I am really looking forward to the coming months as you start interacting with us more.
You are trying to smile a little, but haven't quite got it down yet. Here is your Daddy being goofy trying to get you to smile. You did a little half-smile. I can't wait for you to really start smiling. Hannah and Lincoln will just love it!
Mimi and Pappaw came to visit you this past weekend. It had been a couple of weeks since they had seen you. They could tell you had really grown.
These weeks are already flying by. I know they will get faster and faster. I am just loving every minute with you, Layton! I love you so much and can't wait to see how you will change by next month!
Layton - 1 month

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