Friday, July 16, 2010

Linc & Layt

My two boys! Oh what fun they are going to one day have together--I hope! Right now, Linc thinks it is fun to hold Layt, kiss him (so much that it actually gets on my nerves), and see how high and fast he can get him swinging in his swing. Yes, I have to watch this little dude like a hawk. He is not intentially being mean, I know, he just doesn't seem to know where the boundaries are sometimes. He has a lot to learn. Poor Layton, I hope he makes it through it!

Lincoln has been really cute at church the last few weeks. He is very quick to tell people that he has a new baby brother. He likes to refer to Layton as "baby brother" or "my baby."

When we are getting ready to go somewhere, Lincoln will often ask me if baby brother is going too? Interesting. I'm not sure if he is asking because he wants him to go with us or because he doesn't want him to go with us. Ha! He is a big helper when Layton cries. He is quick to inform me that "baby brother is crying, Mom" and he will go and put his pacy in his mouth for him.

I can't imagine what Layton is thinking in this picture. He's probably wondering what Lincoln is going to do to him next.

Me and my boys! They are both such sweethearts. I can't wait to see what type of relationship they grow up having. My hope and prayer is that they are best buds.

Layton, you have a CRAZY big brother. He is so busy and full of life. I know he will teach you lots and lots!

Lincoln, my big brown-eyed boy--you seem so big to me now that Layton is here. I think your head quadrupled in size. Ha! You are such a funny boy. Here you are with some "bunny ears" that you made yourself out of socks. I can't wait to watch you and Layton be silly together!

What a blessing these little boys are. I am so excited to watch them grow up together.

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