Saturday, August 18, 2012

We Have Bike Riders!!!!

So, learning to ride their bikes without training wheels was one of my goals for the kids this summer.  We went through several times where we would take their training wheels off and try to get them to work on it, but they really didn't express a whole lot of interest in it and ask for the training wheels back so they could ride.  So, we would put them back on again.  Hannah, in particular, was pretty adamant that she was not going to try to do it.  She was scared of falling.  Well, we took the training wheels off again several weeks back and hadn't put them back on.  Every time we'd go outside, I'd encourage them to work on riding.  Most of the time, they would just get a scooter out or something and avoid the bikes.

I had pretty much given up on them reaching this goal this summer.

Last week on the 7th, we had been to Wild River Country with Stacey, Kenzie, and Karly.  Kenzie came home with us for a sleepover afterwards.  The kids went out to ride bikes.  Kenzie had learned earlier this summer and was trying to show the kids how to do it.  The next thing I know, I see Lincoln really working on it.  It was the craziest thing.  I totally wasn't expecting it at all.  He just kept trying and trying until he finally got it!  I was SO excited!  It was one of the highlights of my summer!!!  Funny, huh?

Kris got home right about the time he was starting to get it and he got on his bike to help him.  Here is one of the first videos of Lincoln riding!

He had to really work on getting started, but then he was on the go!!!

This next one was from the next day.  By this time, he was racing down the street, putting on his brakes really fast, and jumping off to look at the skid marks he made on the street.  Hilarious and such a BOY!  He loves to see his skid marks!  Ha!

I like this one because he figured out how to get started and then turn around too.  Love how he immediately jumps off to see his marks!

For the next week, Linc would want to ride just about everyday he could.  A week later, he was cracking us up because he was riding up on the curbs and in the grass and all over.

About this time, I think Hannah noticed all the fun he was having.  She had been happy for him when he learned, but was still pretty scared to do much herself.  I just kept encouraging her to try to work on balancing down the hill and that she could just put her feet down if she felt like she was going to fall.  She worked on this a bit and gradually got braver and braver.  Then, on the 13th, she got it too!!!!

The next day she really took off!!!

I have just been so proud of these guys this summer.  Not only have they really become good little swimmers, but now they are having a blast riding their bikes!  I am really looking forward to going on some fun family bike rides at Two Rivers Bridge this fall!!!

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