Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ledger at 16 months

I didn't do a very good job of writing things down this month so this post may not be very thorough.  

Ledger is still at such a cute age.  I just love being with him every day.  He soaks up his world and learns new things all the time.  His vocabulary grows daily I think.  He has such a cute personality.

We still do the same bedtime routine.  We rock, read books, sing, and lay down.  

He loves books so much and always has one in hand.  He still calls them "doos."  Hilarious to me.

He is a great eater.  Loves most things we give him which is awesome!

He still loves bible class and never cries when he goes.

He got his two top molars this month on 8/24 at least that is when I noticed them.  He has a mouthful of teeth!

He is in 18-24 month clothes and still wears size 5 shoe and size 4 diaper.

Ledger is pure joy and I love him so!!!

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