Tuesday, August 11, 2009

1st Time Fishing

Kris came home the other night with fishing poles for the kids and I. Hannah got a Barbie one, Lincoln got a Spiderman one, and I got a pink one. He wanted us to go fishing while we were in KC visiting Grandma and Grandad. So, Saturday morning we went out to one of Grandad's ponds in his pasture. The kids were so excited to use their fishing poles!

Hannah with her Grandad.

The first thing Lincoln & Daddy caught was a bunch of moss. We caught a lot of moss actually that day.

This was the real thing though--Hannah's first fish (with Daddy's help)!

Checking it out!

So proud!

Yes, I got one too!

Now Hannah decided to try it by herself.

She actually caught one all by herself! We didn't realize she had one until she practically had it in!

She was soooo excited!

After Lincoln saw us catching fish, he decided he wasn't too sure about this fishing thing, so he sat with Grandad for a while and watched.

A little later he tried it again.

Sweetness! I think Hannah will definitely want to go fishing again. I think Lincoln will too but will probably enjoy it more when he's a little older.

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