Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lincoln at Three!

There are lots of things I want to remember about you, Lincoln, right now as you turn three!

First of all, you are a mess!!!! You have SO much energy! You really just go and go and go non-stop all day. You hate to take naps. You ask us every time it is either bed time or nap time if it is a "liddle nap" and get very upset if we say no it is a big nap (bedtime). I have decided that you must be a little afraid of the dark because you were saying "It's scary in here" at night after I'd put you to bed. We got a night light that has helped quite a bit with this. However, it is a little too bright because you sometimes wake up at 4 in the morning ready to get up because it is so light in your room.

You are so loud! You were with me in the grocery store the other day and I was probably there for an hour and a half. You sang and just made NOISE fairly loudly the whole time. I would tell you to be quieter but it wouldn't last long. When I went to check out, the girl at the counter was just laughing at you because you were just singing away non-stop, so happy, but so loud!!

You love to jump off of anything that you can find to jump off of. You don't have much fear when it comes to this. I'm surprised you haven't broken any bones yet. You hate to have your hand held when you get out of the car and we are in parking lots. You fuss at me when I tell you that you have to hold my finger while we walk in somewhere. However, if I didn't make you do this, you would be off and running in the parking lot before I knew it. This is quite scary for momma sometimes!!! I have to watch you like a hawk.

You express your frustration with grunts and whining--which you are getting really good at doing. When you can't do something, like put on your socks or pull up your pants, you get pretty frustrated. We are working on learning to dress ourselves, so hopefully this will get easier for you. You have to sit in time-out fairly often--usually for something you have done to your sister. Whoever said that the two's were terrible, I think was wrong. Three's may be worse. :)

I had been talking to you several weeks before you turned three about learning how to go potty all the time and wearing big boy underwear. I told you that when you turned three and had your birthday, you were going to have to start doing this. However, anytime I'd mention this before your actual birthday party, you would hold up your finger and nod your head at me and say "Not yet"--I'm not a big boy yet. We have been working on potty training pretty hard this week. I was ready to give up after 2 days, but have stuck with you and you are doing better. Hopefully you will completely get it SOON!!!

You don't like to share too much. You kind of like to aggravate you sister sometimes. However, you really love her and can play well with her when you want to.
Cowboy Lincoln and Hannah Montana

Some of the things you love right now are definitely anything cowboy--cowboy boots, guns, holsters, cowboy hats, cowboy figurines, etc. You like your Tinkertoys, blocks, etc--anything that you can stack and build things with. You make me laugh when you get out your tools, turn something upside down, and start trying to fix it. You love to eat sweets. You like candy (sour straws, suckers, taffy, gum), honeybuns, donuts, and ice cream. You love your juice and refuse to drink water. You have started using big boy cups unless we are traveling somewhere and have to take a drink with us. You think you are so big. Your favorite Bible stories are Jonah and Noah. You like to go to Bible class and have never had any trouble going. I think you can be quite the mess sometimes due to all your energy, but we have heard you have quite the funny personality as well. When we ask you what your Bible lesson was about you are getting better and better at telling us more details. This makes Mommy and Daddy proud.

You are a very silly boy sometimes. You like to make people laugh.

You do this thing where you hit your forehead with your fist and then roll your eyes back in your head, stick your tongue out, and make this silly noise--all just to get a laugh. This is usually at the dinner table where you have a hard time NOT being silly and messy. :)

You are saying some good prayers these days. You will look around the table at dinner time and pray for everyone there, the baby in Mommy's tummy, and specific foods. Oh, you can be such the sweetheart too. Those big, brown eyes of yours make your Mommy melt--quite often.

You LOVE to be outside--especially at Mimi and Pappaw's house. This past weekend you got out there and "helped" Daddy, Pappaw, Uncle Wet, and Uncle Jet cut down a tree. You fit right in. Here you are with the long rope doing what your Daddy had just done a few minutes before which was pull down the tree.

I put this picture in here because I can just picture you and your Daddy doing something like this one day with your own little boy out their taking it all in and loving it. Oh how I hope your Daddy gets his land one day for you to really enjoy!

So happy just being a boy, getting messy, playing with a rope, and a big ole tree!

Today when I took you to the doctor for your 3 year check up, you were quiet concerned that "Dr. Bynum (Byrum) going to doctor me." (give him a shot) I assured you that you weren't getting any shots and you were a very good boy while he checked you out. You are 34 1/2 lbs (75%) and 37 1/2 inches (50%). I was a little surprised because I just think you are getting so tall these days. You are wearing 3T clothes right now, but I'm thinking we may be going up to 4T for the spring/summer. Your shoe size is about a 10. Oh, you can count to about 15 and love to sing your ABC's.

Now for some funny things you've been saying lately that I just really want to remember:

**At lunch one day you asked, "Momma, you eat pizza, you get the baby all dirty?" I thought this was so funny. You were really thinking about that baby in my tummy!

**Driving to church one night, you looked up in the sky and said, "The moon broken." It was a crescent moon that night and not a full one. I guess you weren't used to seeing this.

**One morning shortly after Christmas when you had gotten this little Buzz Lightyear, you woke up and came in our room. You came over to me and whispered very sweetly, "My liddle Buzz lost." You had taken it to bed with you the night before. I got up and went into your room. You had already turned on your light. I pulled back your sheets and found your Buzz. I handed him back to you and you just smiled so big at me, got back in your bed, and went back to sleep for a while longer. It was just the cutest thing.

**In the car the other day, you said to me "I'm going have a baby in my tummy when I grow up and get big."

**When talking about something that happened a day or so ago, you say "last day." So cute.

God blessed our family so much when you came along 3 years ago. You are one special little boy. We look forward to watching you grow every day and enjoying all the wonderful things that make you Lincoln!

1 comment:

Jessica Harriman said...

Love the one about the baby and the pizza. Sweetheart!