Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Date with Daddy

Saturday night Kris took Hannah on a Valentine date. She needed this after all she went through on Thursday and Friday.

First thing he did was take her to get her nails done. She had never been to a real salon before to do this, so she was very excited. They went just the two of them. She picked out her color and they just painted her fingernails and toenails.

I thought her choice of color was perfect. When she was done she had on those little flip-flops they let you have there so your toes will dry. She thought this was neat.

Later that afternoon she had a birthday party to go to, so after that I took her to meet her Daddy at the movies.

So cute walking together!

They saw The Tooth Fairy movie. I think she enjoyed it. Her Daddy also got her one red rose, a kite, and a box of chocolates.

To end the night, they went to Lone Star and ate steak. Hannah is like her Daddy and really seems to like steak. They didn't get home till after 9 p.m. She was exhausted, but I know she had so much fun. I am so glad her Daddy treated her so special and I hope they will continue this little time together as the years go by!!


Allison said...

How wonderful!! Looks like they had a great time.

Katie Kordsmeier said...

That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard! What a good Daddy!