Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lots of Snow!!

Yesterday we got tons of snow!!! We woke up and it had snowed quite a bit, but it just kept coming down and it was gorgeous!!! The flakes were so big. It was just so beautiful to watch. We had to get out in it.

I think this is the first snowman that the kids have ever really made. The snow was perfect for snowmen and snowballs. They really seemed to enjoy it!

Aren't they cute??!!

Hannah tried out making a snow angel.

We ended up having to go in because they both took off their gloves and their little hands were freezing. They did NOT like that feeling at all. I could have stayed out there for much longer. I really enjoyed it too!
I've never made snow ice cream on my own I don't think. My mom used to make it for us when we were kids. So, we tried it out--well, Linc and I did. Hannah wouldn't even try it. I thought it was yummy. I think Lincoln thought it was almost too cold to eat.

This was taken outside my front door. I just loved watching the snow fall.

We are still pretty much inside the house today. Hoping tomorrow we can get out and about. I think we are due for some more snow later in the week!

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