Thursday, February 25, 2010

21 weeks

This week has gone by fast. Seems like I'm always taking pictures of myself. Ha! Lots of movement to report this week. Kris still hasn't caught him moving yet though. I have been really tired this week. I worked hard on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday washing, ironing, and pricing much of Hannah's clothing from birth till now that I am consigning this weekend at Rhea Lana. I've never done this before and couldn't believe how much stuff I had. I hope I do well because I've found some bedding at Pottery Barn Kids that I really like. It is expensive and I'll need 2 for the bunk beds. So, we'll see what happens.

I'm sitting here looking in my Your Pregnancy Week by Week book about week 21 and it has a little section about What Foods Do Pregnant Women Crave? It says the 3 most common cravings are: 33% crave chocolate, 20% crave sweets of some sort, and 19% crave citrus fruits and juices. It's funny but all three of these have been true for me--not too bad but if I crave something, many times it is one of these things. I seem to be wanting something sweet alot and have been eating a lot of those little Cutie oranges. The thing I most crave, though, is Caffeine Free Coke. I can't get enough of the stuff. At least it is Caffeine free! We are supposed to be going to The Bonefish Grill tomorrow night. I have been wanting their Bang Bang Shrimp pretty bad and will definitely splurge and try to get their chocolate creme brulee as well! Can't wait for that.

I am still really enjoying Aqua Moms. I love going and chatting with the other girls in the class. It is so fun and I'm glad I've got to meet all of them. Plus it is a nice little break for me two evenings a week after having been with the kids all day.

I wonder alot about this little guy and wonder who he will look like, Hannah or Lincoln? Will he have Hannah's blue/green eyes or Lincoln's dark brown eyes? Will he be a wild man like his brother or more calm and watchful? Will he be taller like Linc or on the shorter side like Hannah? Will he be healthy? I pray so. Just can't wait to see him and see what kind of little person he will be. It is just soooooo exciting!!

This week "the baby in Momma's tummy" is about the length of a carrot.


Jessica Harriman said...

Love me some Bang Bang!

Allison said...

Jamie you look great! I'm also consigning some stuff at a sale here in Tulsa. It is A LOT of work! I hope we both make a fortune. =)