Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

Yes, it is a BOY!!! Friday we had our ultrasound! It was just so neat to get to see a few minutes of our little guy moving around in there. He was a bit of a challenge for the lady doing the ultrasound to figure out. At first she thought girl, but then was second guessing herself because the umbilical cord was in the way. It made it a little harder to tell. When she told us she was first thinking girl, but wasn't sure, Lincoln went over to the bed where I was laying and kind of slapped it and said, "No, it's a blue baby!" Well, she kept looking and finally got this view...

Kind of hard to argue with that!!! Lincoln got his blue baby! Hannah, who was being held by Pappaw during the whole thing and watching sweetly, was very quiet. I asked her several times what she thought about having another little brother and she would just kind of smile, but wouldn't say anything. She had said she wanted a little sister at first, but as time went on she was telling me that if it was a little brother, she would love it too! So sweet! She is going to be such a great big sister and a great helper. I just know!

Here are the rest of the pictures we got. We are still in great debate over a name. We kind of have one, but I'm not super convinced it is THE one yet. We usually keep it a secret until we have the baby. You've got to have at least one surprise to share! Oh, but I asked Lincoln what we should name his brother and he paused a minute and said, "Hokie." He is so funny! So, maybe we'll just call him baby Hokie for now!

This picture shows his little legs crossed at the ankles. I guess he is just relaxing in there. He'll need to because he will be part of one busy little family (and will have a super busy big brother). His legs being crossed was one reason it was so hard to figure out if it was a boy or girl. I had to lay on my side and the lady had to really jiggle my tummy to get him to move enough to get a good look.

Everything looked good with the ultrasound which we were so grateful for!! God is so good! Measurements actually put me due June 30th. However, they won't change my original due date of July 6th. The baby weighed about 12 ounces.

Well, little Hokie. Your Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see your sweet face and hold you in our arms!!! Your big sister and brother can't wait to play with you! You just keep growing in there. We'll get things ready for your big arrival. Oh, you get to share a room with your big brother! That should be so fun!


kristen g. said...

Congratulations! I'm pretty smitten with my little boy--they are the best! I bet Hannah will enjoy being The only Princess :)

Jessica Harriman said...

So exciting! Those pictures were pretty convincing!

Becky Lynch said...

Congratulations sister! I am so excited for you guys. Us and our trio's!