Thursday, February 25, 2010

21 weeks

This week has gone by fast. Seems like I'm always taking pictures of myself. Ha! Lots of movement to report this week. Kris still hasn't caught him moving yet though. I have been really tired this week. I worked hard on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday washing, ironing, and pricing much of Hannah's clothing from birth till now that I am consigning this weekend at Rhea Lana. I've never done this before and couldn't believe how much stuff I had. I hope I do well because I've found some bedding at Pottery Barn Kids that I really like. It is expensive and I'll need 2 for the bunk beds. So, we'll see what happens.

I'm sitting here looking in my Your Pregnancy Week by Week book about week 21 and it has a little section about What Foods Do Pregnant Women Crave? It says the 3 most common cravings are: 33% crave chocolate, 20% crave sweets of some sort, and 19% crave citrus fruits and juices. It's funny but all three of these have been true for me--not too bad but if I crave something, many times it is one of these things. I seem to be wanting something sweet alot and have been eating a lot of those little Cutie oranges. The thing I most crave, though, is Caffeine Free Coke. I can't get enough of the stuff. At least it is Caffeine free! We are supposed to be going to The Bonefish Grill tomorrow night. I have been wanting their Bang Bang Shrimp pretty bad and will definitely splurge and try to get their chocolate creme brulee as well! Can't wait for that.

I am still really enjoying Aqua Moms. I love going and chatting with the other girls in the class. It is so fun and I'm glad I've got to meet all of them. Plus it is a nice little break for me two evenings a week after having been with the kids all day.

I wonder alot about this little guy and wonder who he will look like, Hannah or Lincoln? Will he have Hannah's blue/green eyes or Lincoln's dark brown eyes? Will he be a wild man like his brother or more calm and watchful? Will he be taller like Linc or on the shorter side like Hannah? Will he be healthy? I pray so. Just can't wait to see him and see what kind of little person he will be. It is just soooooo exciting!!

This week "the baby in Momma's tummy" is about the length of a carrot.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Date with Daddy

Saturday night Kris took Hannah on a Valentine date. She needed this after all she went through on Thursday and Friday.

First thing he did was take her to get her nails done. She had never been to a real salon before to do this, so she was very excited. They went just the two of them. She picked out her color and they just painted her fingernails and toenails.

I thought her choice of color was perfect. When she was done she had on those little flip-flops they let you have there so your toes will dry. She thought this was neat.

Later that afternoon she had a birthday party to go to, so after that I took her to meet her Daddy at the movies.

So cute walking together!

They saw The Tooth Fairy movie. I think she enjoyed it. Her Daddy also got her one red rose, a kite, and a box of chocolates.

To end the night, they went to Lone Star and ate steak. Hannah is like her Daddy and really seems to like steak. They didn't get home till after 9 p.m. She was exhausted, but I know she had so much fun. I am so glad her Daddy treated her so special and I hope they will continue this little time together as the years go by!!

20 weeks - Half way there!!!

Wow! Half-way through! I just can hardly wait to meet this little guy. I'm ready to get started on all the changes we are going to have to make with our house to welcome this little one to the family. This is so fun for me!

I went to the doctor on Monday. Everything is still going well. I have only gained 6 lbs so far with this pregnancy which kind of blows my mind. I've felt like I was huge so early, I figured I'd be packing on the pounds. The doctor said she was fine with this number, so I'm not worried about it. I told her that I just don't think my appetite has picked up yet (I'm sure it will!!). Maybe I'm not eating alot cause I'm so busy talking care of Hannah and Lincoln. I don't know.

I just feel really good. I'm feeling more movement. I love this. It is so neat to imagine little Hokie in there moving all around. Oh, I can't wait to hold him!!!

He is about the length of a banana right now!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and Colonoscopy

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy has 26 letters in it. That is about as many emotions as we have gone through these last 2 days! Let me explain.

A Little History: Back on January 20th we went to see Dr. Fuchs, at Children's. He is a gastroenterologist. Back in July 2008, Hannah was having some tummy troubles--diarrhea and some discomfort. So, at her Rheumatology visit at the time, we talked to the doctor about it and she did a blood test. The test came back showing she had a positive marker for IBD, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease. At the time, we didn't do anything with this because she said that this didn't mean Hannah definitely had IBD and she did not have any blood in her stool. She did mention that we may have to see a GI doctor in the future.

So, over the months, Hannah's stool has been checked several times and back at the end of the year, blood was detected in it. At the time the Rheumatologist kind of thought it could be due to the prolonged use of her Naproxen that she has taken for about 3 years for her JRA (this can be a side-effect). She wanted to switch her to Celebrex. We thought that since we were so close to tapering off the Naproxen anyway (this June if she's still doing well with her JRA), we just kind of hated the thought of changing meds and worrying about new side-effects. So, we just kept checking the stool and talking with her pediatrician. She'd been having some more diarrhea. So, we decided that we would go ahead and see a GI doctor to see what he thought.

January 20th - We go see Dr. Fuchs (GI). First of all his nurse came and talked to us and asked us a ton of questions about Hannah. After that she began to talk to us about the possibility that Hannah may have Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis. WHOA! That was extremely hard to hear. I don't know a ton about Crohn's but I know that it is not a good thing to have. When Dr. Fuchs came in, he told us that her Naproxen could be causing the blood in her stool too. The best way to tell would be to do upper and lower endoscopies. Kris and I both were fine with this because we really want to know what is going on, if anything. However, ever since we have been dreading February 12th--the day of the tests.

February 11th - Bowel Clean-out. All I can say is that I was SOOOOO proud of my Hannah. My mom came up to help me with this and with Lincoln. She was a HUGE help! Thank you so much Mom!!! We started at 8:00 a.m. She had to drink 6 oz of clear fluids every 30 minutes with every other one having Miralax mixed in it to make her go to the bathroom. She also had to have 3 doses of Ex-lax chocolate squares along the way. She was pretty cooperative except for about 2 times when I gave her apple juice with the Miralax in it. She is not a huge fan of apple juice. So, I had to bride her with a new Disney movie to get her to get it all down. Most of the time she had sweet tea. All in all, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. she drank over 84 oz of fluid!!!! She was such a trooper. She was also really good about the whole bathroom thing. She even thought it was funny. :)

This is what she did ALL day!

Mom and I couldn't believe the good mood she was in most of the day, even with having to drink so much and go to the bathroom so much.

Through this whole thing, she only really knew that she was going to the doctor to have a test and that she had to have her tummy cleaned out. We didn't tell her anything else. I really wrestled with this because she is so smart and can pick up on things really well. I know she sensed something big was going to happen. I know she was anxious.

February 12th - This morning we had to be at Children's at 5:30 for her procedures at 7:30. She slept with us last night because she had vomited a couple of times right before bed and I didn't want my mom to have to deal with that if she did it some more during the night. Luckily she slept really well. Hannah knows when we go to Children's and it is both her Daddy and I with her, that something is going on. She was quiet the whole car ride there. I was feeling very nervous and scared. I'm sure Kris was too. Honestly the part that is the hardest is wondering what she is feeling. I absolutely hate the thought of her being scared and it is hard for me to imagine what must have been going on in her little mind.

Hannah gets VERY shy and refuses to talk to any doctors or nurses when they ask her questions. We try to encourage her to, but usually don't have any luck. There were numerous people that came into the room to check her vitals, talk to us about what was going to happen, and do different things. I think this made her even more nervous especially when they talked about her being asleep. When they weren't in the room and she was playing with her Daddy on his iPhone Whiteboard, she was smiling and happy. But when someone would come in, her demeanor would change. Here she was surrounded by all this medical stuff and doctors. I know she was getting very nervous and scared and it just broke my heart.

When they were finally ready to take her back to get started, they wheeled her out in the hall on her bed and I bent down to give her a hug and tell her I loved her. At this point, she was mad and hurled the stuffed bunny rabbit, that she was planning on taking in with her, several feet away. Then she started to cry and held her arms out to us. She was so upset. I lost it. I think that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I'm her Mommy and I had to leave her when she wanted me. We knew we had to leave quickly or it would be worse. So, I went to the bathroom and just bawled.

Luckily the procedures only lasted about 45 minutes. So, we finally got to talk to Dr. Fuchs. We were very impressed with him (and pretty much everyone else there at Children's). He was so soft spoken and seemed to really care. He said she was doing fine and would be waking up shortly. He explained to us what he did. In the upper one, he showed us a diagram of the area they were testing--the esophagus and stomach. He had a number by all the places where he took a picture and also took a biopsy. Then there was an actual picture of each of the places as well and he explained what he saw in each picture. This was really neat. The only thing that he saw was a spot in the stomach that was kind of raised and bumpy. He said this could be gastritis--an inflammation of the stomach. However, the only real way to tell is with the biopsy. With the lower scope he went over the same things with the colon. He didn't see anything that looked abnormal.

So, bottom line. He felt pretty good about things, but could not rule out Chrone's or anything yet. The real results will come with the biopsies in about 2 weeks.

Relief. Relief when we saw her. She was okay and not screaming mad like the last time she had anesthesia. She was pretty out of it still but was wanting to go home I think. She perked up when we went to the gift shop and let her pick out something special. She picked a jewelry box that she could decorate and spent most of the day today working on it or carrying it around. She loves it!!

Afterwards we also went to Wal-Mart, where she got to pick out 2 new movies. She chose The Rescuers and Barbie and the Three Muskateers. She watched each movie a couple of times today. She deserved it!!!

I know I've written a novel here, but I wanted to remember this day and all its details. We have a remarkable daughter. She makes us so proud. While we HATE to see her in any kind of pain or discomfort, we would do ANYTHING to help her. We thank everyone for the prayers, messages, texts, and calls. They really meant alot.
Most of all, I thank God for hearing our prayers, for giving us peace and comfort, and for giving us this very special little girl.

Last emotions of the day - Excitement and Happiness! Hannah is going on a date with her Daddy tomorrow! You should have seen her face as she was being put to bed!

19 weeks

19 weeks this week! So far this has been such an uneventful pregnancy. That is a good thing I guess, but there's not a lot to write about. :)

I am definitely feeling the baby move more--still not real big movements yet. I feel really good. I go to the doctor on Monday!

This week Hokie is about the size of a large heirloom tomato! Still really looking forward to seeing this little guy! We can't wait!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lots of Snow!!

Yesterday we got tons of snow!!! We woke up and it had snowed quite a bit, but it just kept coming down and it was gorgeous!!! The flakes were so big. It was just so beautiful to watch. We had to get out in it.

I think this is the first snowman that the kids have ever really made. The snow was perfect for snowmen and snowballs. They really seemed to enjoy it!

Aren't they cute??!!

Hannah tried out making a snow angel.

We ended up having to go in because they both took off their gloves and their little hands were freezing. They did NOT like that feeling at all. I could have stayed out there for much longer. I really enjoyed it too!
I've never made snow ice cream on my own I don't think. My mom used to make it for us when we were kids. So, we tried it out--well, Linc and I did. Hannah wouldn't even try it. I thought it was yummy. I think Lincoln thought it was almost too cold to eat.

This was taken outside my front door. I just loved watching the snow fall.

We are still pretty much inside the house today. Hoping tomorrow we can get out and about. I think we are due for some more snow later in the week!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

Yes, it is a BOY!!! Friday we had our ultrasound! It was just so neat to get to see a few minutes of our little guy moving around in there. He was a bit of a challenge for the lady doing the ultrasound to figure out. At first she thought girl, but then was second guessing herself because the umbilical cord was in the way. It made it a little harder to tell. When she told us she was first thinking girl, but wasn't sure, Lincoln went over to the bed where I was laying and kind of slapped it and said, "No, it's a blue baby!" Well, she kept looking and finally got this view...

Kind of hard to argue with that!!! Lincoln got his blue baby! Hannah, who was being held by Pappaw during the whole thing and watching sweetly, was very quiet. I asked her several times what she thought about having another little brother and she would just kind of smile, but wouldn't say anything. She had said she wanted a little sister at first, but as time went on she was telling me that if it was a little brother, she would love it too! So sweet! She is going to be such a great big sister and a great helper. I just know!

Here are the rest of the pictures we got. We are still in great debate over a name. We kind of have one, but I'm not super convinced it is THE one yet. We usually keep it a secret until we have the baby. You've got to have at least one surprise to share! Oh, but I asked Lincoln what we should name his brother and he paused a minute and said, "Hokie." He is so funny! So, maybe we'll just call him baby Hokie for now!

This picture shows his little legs crossed at the ankles. I guess he is just relaxing in there. He'll need to because he will be part of one busy little family (and will have a super busy big brother). His legs being crossed was one reason it was so hard to figure out if it was a boy or girl. I had to lay on my side and the lady had to really jiggle my tummy to get him to move enough to get a good look.

Everything looked good with the ultrasound which we were so grateful for!! God is so good! Measurements actually put me due June 30th. However, they won't change my original due date of July 6th. The baby weighed about 12 ounces.

Well, little Hokie. Your Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see your sweet face and hold you in our arms!!! Your big sister and brother can't wait to play with you! You just keep growing in there. We'll get things ready for your big arrival. Oh, you get to share a room with your big brother! That should be so fun!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

18 weeks

18 week pictures

This Friday is our ultrasound! Can't wait! I hope this little one cooperates and lets us get a glimpse to see if we are having a boy or a girl. We went looking Sunday to get some furniture ideas. That made me even more excited. We are just praying for a healthy baby too. I am ready to know that everything is okay.

I still feel really good. I am having some majorly weird dreams at night though. I am sleeping pretty good--no real discomfort yet. No real cravings. I still wish my appetite would increase a little. A lot of times nothing sounds really good to me. I am ready for that to change!

I think I feel the baby move just a little bit. It isn't anything major yet where Kris could try to feel it though. The size of the baby is about the length of a bell pepper. That is the only comparison I could find this week. The weight should be almost 7 ounces.