Monday, May 7, 2012

Teacher Appreciation 2012

Last week was Teacher Appreciation week at Hannah's school.  Hannah has had a super 1st Grade year.  I can't believe it is nearly over. She liked her teacher this year and did really well with her.  So, we wanted to show our appreciation.  

The thing I like about her school is that they give parents ideas for what to do each day.  We decided to do Lincoln's teacher as well on his three days of school.

Monday they suggested sending the teacher a flower.  So we did.

Tuesday was a school supply.  I decorated these clipboards with scrapbook paper and a little Mod Podge.  Hannah loved them so much, she wants me to make her one.  I thought they turned out really cute.

This was the back.

Wednesday was a fruit or a snack.  I made Oreo balls and put them in this cute little Love Chocolate box.  Lincoln took some to his teacher on Thursday.

Thursday they suggested a handwritten note.  So, I found this idea for a 2 x 4 note pad/pencil holder.  We already had the 2 x 4's and I just used some of the same scrapbook paper as before.  All I had to buy was the letter stickers and note pad.

 My crafty husband helped by sanding down the edges with his big sander.  This gave it a worn look.
 Hannah wrote her note on the note pad. :-)
Finally, Friday was gift card day.  Her teacher loves Sonic so that's what we got her.  I wrote her a little note of thanks and attached it to this little C picture holder I found at Gordmans.
I love doing this kind of stuff so it was lots of fun for me.  I hope their teachers know how much we appreciate all they have done for our kiddos!


Mimi & Pappaw said...

Precious, Jamie!


kristen g. said...

So sweet! I might have to use some of these ideas next year!