Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tidying Up

I got the itch to tidy my kitchen one day and just went after it.  I didn't take any before pictures of my cabinets because I just jumped in.  I did get some pictures of all the stuff that I pulled out and went through though.  I had way too many cups in my cabinets that were taking up too much room.

I also had too many cooking utensils many of which I never used.

I boxed up a lot of stuff to sell later in a garage sale!  Here are my cabinets now.  They function so much better and are much neater looking.

I still love the idea of tidying up my home, but right now I just get to it when I can get to it.  In this case, it was on a whim.  I love the results and really hope it will help me out down the road when we go to sell our house and move!

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