Friday, June 30, 2017

The Rest of June

June is always a jammed packed month for us.  We have lots of birthdays in my family plus lots of other activities going on.  These are all the rest of the pictures I took this month of mostly just random things with a few bigger events thrown in there.

Just because he is so cute and loves to make you laugh with his faces!

Surprised face!

Layton can be such a big helper sometimes.  He wanted to help me by mopping the kitchen for me.  What a sweetie.

Ledger is still loving to read and look at books.  I love to catch him in his room doing it by himself.

Layton's baseball team played in a tournament in Haskell.  He looked so cute with his eye black on.

His coach took all the team out to Larry's Pizza after the tournament.

Ledger tried to put Bubba's hat on.

 We had VBS the second Saturday in June.  Lincoln got asked to help a little in the play.  He was so excited!  His part was minor.  He was just traveling around with Saul when the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus.

When Saul saw the light.

Lincoln had to help him get up after he was struck blind.  It was definitely a minor part, but he sure loved being able to participate!

They went to lots of neat centers the rest of the day.  The theme was Paul and the Underground Church.

Chariot rides.

Kris helped in the puppet station.

At the end of the day, they had a big snow cone truck that came and the kids got to get their own flavor of snow cone.

Hannah had a couple of friends over--Taylor and Hattie.  I let them make homemade pizzas.

They played Twister and were just being silly girls.

They all went outside and played in the water hose for a bit.  Then, we ended up having some neighborhood drama where one of the neighborhood boys threw a rock and hit one of Hannah's friends in the forehead.  It freaked her out and so they ended up going home that afternoon instead of spending the night.  We fairly frequently have issues with this neighbor.  It was disappointing and a little scary.  Anyway, we tried to deal with it the best way we knew how.  Hopefully, we can try again to have Hannah's friends over.

Sweet snuggles with my baby boy.

Lincoln had swim team pictures one night.

The boys and I went and got free Tropical Smoothie Cafe Smoothies one afternoon.  I forgot where Hannah was, but she wasn't with us.

This is Ledger napping at Jeff's while I clean his house once a week.  He is so good!

Bringing Momma a book to read.  We do this a lot every day!

Hannah reading to Ledger.  Precious moment.

He loves eating watermelon!


"Tractor!"  One of his favorite words!

Just hanging out with his foot propped up at Layton's baseball game.

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