Monday, October 29, 2018

Logan's Wedding

Our nephew, Logan, got married!!!  The setting was this beautiful farm in the country somewhere in Arkansas.  I can't remember the name of it, but it was just beautiful.

This was Grandma and Granddad being escorted down the aisle.

Les and Carol with Logan.

I didn't take any pictures during the ceremony but I did get Logan and Jordan coming down the aisle at the end.

They look so happy!  We don't know Jordan super well, but we know Logan.  He is such a special person so I have no doubt that she is too.  They have plans to work oversees as missionaries.  Logan just has a heart for the Lord and I am so happy that he found someone who shares his passion.

We got to see Roman for a little while.  Roman is Lindsey's little boy.  These two are almost a year apart.

We had to take a few family pics while we had the opportunity and we were all dressed up!  This is Kurt, Alexis, Isabelle, and Addy.

Our attempt at a family picture.

Sweet cousins.  They are a year apart as well.

Kris and his mom.

We wish these two all the happiness in the world and pray that God will bless their marriage and their lives together.  We know they will do great things!

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