Friday, April 9, 2010

27 weeks

On Tuesday I was 27 weeks. This week marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester! Yippee! I go to the doctor on Thursday. I am anxious for the weight check this time. I feel like I have grown a TON since my last visit.

I just get more excited by the day. This weekend we are doing a lot of work on the boys' room and we have already changed Lincoln's old room into the new playroom. I will get pictures up of everything when I feel like we are done with things. Kris is picking up the bunk beds tonight, so Lincoln will hopefully be in his new bed sometime this weekend. I really am looking forward to getting up in the attic at some point and bringing down all our baby stuff. I'm anxious to see what clothes of Linc's we'll be able to use. I think it is always fun going back through clothes that they wore when they were a baby.

I'm having a lot more heartburn these days. The baby's movement is back up pretty good. I am feeling better about that. It is getting harder and harder to bend over. I was cleaning out tubs a while ago and was wondering to myself how much longer I'm going to be able to do this. It is just hard work trying to keep a house clean and kids clean when you get to this point. :)

The baby is about 15 1/4 inches long and weighs around 2 lbs!


Allison said...

Don't take this the wrong way, but nice legs Jamie!! Maybe I should hit the gym.

Jennifer said...

I always made Nathan clean the tubs when I was preggo. Needless to say they didn't get done very often!