Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I wonder...

Have you ever wondered what your kids will be when they grow up? I have.

I remember growing up playing "office" as we called it with my 2 younger brothers. My dad is an accountant and he and my mom did some bookkeeping from our house for years. So, we always saw them working at the desk in the office, using the 10-key calculator, computer, etc. I knew from very early on that I wanted to be an accountant. On the other hand, I also knew from very early on that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. My mom stayed home with us. I loved playing with my baby dolls and just have always known that it was important to be home with your kids. It is amazing the influence we can have on our children.

So, what will Hannah and Lincoln be when they grow up, I wonder???

Let's see. Will Hannah be a chef? (She got into my spices last night while I wasn't paying attention.)

a musician?

a doctor?

a banker or accountant?

a stay-at-home mommy?

Will Lincoln be a wrestler?

a ball player?

Will he love books and be a writer or something?

It's fun to think about. It's scary to think about how much we as their parents can shape them into the people that they become.

At the baby blessing at church a few weeks ago, we were given a magnet with a scripture and a prayer to pray over our child. It was for Lincoln, but it can be applied to both my kids. This is my prayer for my kids:

That they will "have faith and follow the Holy scriptures as a foundation for their lives. Be a man/woman of integrity, courage and faith. Live by the highest standard that calls for complete honesty--an honesty that encourages a consistency of values. Be a giving and gentle friend, spouse, and parent. Be humble before God and deeply grateful for God's mercy on their lives. Be safe from disease, accident, or injury. Be proud of who they are and all that they will become."


kristen g. said...

I like the baby blessing. We did a similar one at our church.
I am terrified/excited to see how we are shaping our daughter! With 2 type-A, political scientists as parents I fear for her nerdiness!! :)
I like the picture of Hannah the chef, too. And Lincoln the wrestler!

Jennifer said...

What a cute post!! I think that Hannah is going to be a rocket scientist. She is so smart!

JoEllyn said...

Great post!! That's funny that you imitated your dad's career when you were little. My parents were both teachers and I always played school; never became a teacher however. NEVER thought about being a stay at home mom, now can't imagine having a career again.