Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lincoln is 23 months!

WOW! Just one month to go! This month I thought I'd tell lots of the things I LOVE about my little mess! So, here goes:

**I love how Lincoln is constantly asking me "Where's Daddy?" and "Where's Nanna?" Seriously, it is crazy how many times a day he asks about Daddy and Hannah. I love how he looks at me expecting an answer and now answers his own question sometimes with "Wook" for Daddy.

**I love how he tries to sing "Jesus Loves Me" with me at night when I put him to bed. Oh, it is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. He is so proud of himself when we are done and me, well, I just melt.

**I love his pouty face when I've told him "no" he can't do something or "no" he can't have any candy right now or it's time to go night night. He says with his pouty face, "Ahhh night night."

**I love how he calls all books Bibles and carries around his special night night Bible all the time and looks at it.

**I love how he gets excited about brushing his teeth. If that bathroom door gets left open, he is in there with his toothbrush in hand and then proceeds to swish it around in the potty to get it wet.

**I love how last night in Wal-Mart he was trying to sing "Jingle Bells" at the top of his lungs! "Jinga Bell, Jinga Bell"--that's the only part he knows, but he thinks it is so fun.

**I love how the other night when I said, "Does someone have a stinky diaper?" he looked at me and said, "Ah Nanna."

**I love it when he says "Aww Man!" (from Dora) and now Jack has taught him to say, "No way!" So, now it is "Aww Man! No Way!" cause he knows he makes us laugh.

**I love how when I ask him if he's my baby he says with his very mischievous smile, "Nooooo, ah bebe." (i.e. no you're the baby). We do this back and forth. It is our little game.

**I love how he is such a big boy now and can chew gum. It is so exciting to him that he can chew gum like Hannah. He has yet to swallow any and is pretty good about handing it over when I ask him.

**I love how he rolls his eyes upon demand. He knows he's being funny. You just can't help but laugh at him.

**I love how he has figured out that there are things in his nose and he tries to pick them. He says, "Ewwww!!"

**I love his big, brown eyes. They are so expressive.

**I love watching him run to the bathroom to get in the tub with his little bare bottom. So cute!

**I love how he and Hannah sit in the recliner together every morning after waking up and watch cartoons. They are really happy to see each other in the mornings.

**I love how he and Hannah give each other kisses and hugs at night before bed.

**I love how he runs--especially when he is excited. He kind of kicks his legs up in the back.

I love all these things about you, Lincoln, and many more! You are so fun and yet such a challenge at times.

**Right now you HATE to have your haircut. Poor Jennifer! It is quite a chore to cut your hair.

**You don't like to be in your high chair for long.

**You love to try to stand up in the grocery cart.

**You love to run away from me anytime you get the chance--like after church Sunday mornings. We have found you several times up the stairs on your way to the balcony.

**You love to touch everything you can in public restrooms making your mommy a nervous wreck.

**You love to hit your sister or take something away from her just to hear her scream.

**You love to get my attention by being naughty when I'm on the phone.

**You love to play with your food. You are the messiest eater!

BUT I will ALWAYS love you because you are YOU!

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