Saturday, December 7, 2013

Catch up on Layton

Layton's turn.  He is so my little buddy.  We spend a lot of time together.  He loves for me to play with him and it is really hard to tell him no sometimes.  So, we play trains...

and Legos and cars.  A lot.  This may be one reason my blog is so behind.

Here he is dressed up in last year's Halloween costume.  It still fit, but we went with something different this year.  Post still to come.

Layton is, for the most part, so agreeable and smiley.  He has been a little more prone lately to some fits, but usually if I don't let myself get upset with him and I think before I speak (hard for me sometimes), I can usually distract him or redirect him and he stops pretty quickly.  

Layton constantly tells me "I'm not taking a nap."  Well, I have kind of given up on forcing them because it is not worth the time, effort, or fight.  However, many days he will fall asleep on his own.  He still really needs a nap!

He loves to take off his pants when he goes potty and just have on his underwear.  He would be like this all the time if I'd let him.

This was the other day.  We were running errands and he just couldn't stay awake any longer.  He fell asleep right before we got to Wal-mart but I was able to lay him down and he stayed asleep.  

This was how I found him one afternoon recently.  He had been watching a movie while I did Mommy stuff.

I went back a few minutes later and the movie had gone off.  He had apparently tried to get up, but fell back asleep.  Bless his heart.  See, he still really needs a nap.

He and Lucy are really sweet together.  Apparently Layton kissed her one Sunday during bible class.  I think the teacher had to talk to him about it.  Ha!  She IS a beautiful little girl!

Kris got a new car a couple of months ago and so we no longer have his Suburban with the DVD player for trips.  I always thought that we didn't need a car DVD player.  After all we didn't have one growing up and we made it through (bless my parents' hearts).  However, once you have one and see how much of a help it is on long trips, you feel like you HAVE to have one.  So, we bought 3 portable ones.  ;-)

He is quite the handsome boy and gets lots of compliments when we are out and about.  Speaking of being out and about, he is my little shopper buddy.  He actually likes to run errands with me and is pretty good about staying close if he is not in a buggy (he is most often).  

He says the sweetest things to me sometimes.  The other day while we were eating lunch he looked at me and out of the blue said, "You're my best buddy."  That was the BEST!  He will come play with my hair while I am at the computer.  He always takes it down if it is in a pony tail and tells me he likes my hair that way.   

I babysat Harper one day a while back and Layton wanted to take her for a spin in his "truck."


They played Elefun together and were so cute.

This video of them cracks me up.


I couldn't resist taking this picture one day after church.  Love his hair combed over like that.  He got the quiet seat in Peak the other day and was so excited!  I was too because the first month he was in big Peak, we were in there helping.  He had a hard time sitting still and so I have been worried about how he's been doing since we haven't been in there.

I have been trying to get the kids to learn the 23rd Psalm.  I chose to do the NIV version which is not the one that I learned as a kid.  I was mainly focusing on Hannah and Lincoln learning it, but Layton has surprised me and picked up the first few lines so far as well.  He says, "The Lord is my Shepherd I don't like nothing."  It is supposed to be "The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing."  It just makes me smile when I hear him say it so proudly.

Every Thursday when he realizes he is going to MDO, he repeats over and over again, "I don't want to go to school."  It kind of breaks my heart.  However, when he gets there, he goes right in and has a blast.  For some reason, though, he never likes the thought of going.  I like to think it is because he loves being with me so much!  I know I love being with him.

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